青苔用英语怎么说 青苔的英语翻译

青苔用英语怎么说 青苔的英语翻译

青苔的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  green moss,还可以翻译为  lichen,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到81个与青苔相关的翻译和例句。


1.   green moss

青苔翻译为   green moss。

All alone stood it and the moss hung down from the branches.


2.   lichen

青苔翻译为   lichen。

All overgrown with azure moss and flowers.


3.   The Moss

青苔翻译为   The Moss。

The wall was patched with moss.


4.   mosses

青苔翻译为   mosses。

示例:And i use this little image to say this is what happens to mosses.
我用这张小图想说的是 藓类就是这样



1. green moss(青苔)

2. icandophila aeruginosa korb(绿青苔)

3. miners moss( 矿工青苔)

4. miners' moss( 矿工青苔)

5. moss family( 青苔家族)


Mosses from and Old Manse ( 古宅青苔 )

Mosses from an Old Manse ( 古屋青苔 )

lichenous mossy ( 青苔的 )

lichenoid ( 青苔状的 )

lichenology ( 青苔类植物学 )

lichenaceous ( 青苔属的 )

lichenize Mossy Cobblestone ( 长满青苔 )

Gyrinocheilus aymonieri Sucking Loach PillowRat ( 青苔鼠 )

Moon in the moss ( 青苔里的月亮 )


1. The moss this morning was easy.


2. if you move your... Can you see that little bit of lichen?


3. "dissolved at last in the darkness of the mossy earth.


4. Mama did, using twigs, moss, spiderwebs, sparrow bones, lizard eyes, all held together with rat droppings.

译文:- 是妈妈做的 树枝儿,青苔,蜘蛛网,麻雀骨,蜥蜴眼 - 最后用老鼠屎粘在一起。

5. The pebbles are covered with moss. You will slip.


6. Unable to go anywhere, they travelled in their imaginations to Siamese temples, or past an old man with a leaf broom tidying a moss-carpeted speck of Japan.

译文:因为哪儿也去不了 他们只好在想像中遨游暹罗古寺 或者是从一位日本老人身旁经过 看著他用扫帚打扫附在青苔的尘埃。

7. There's only a little bit of grass on it.

译文:只是墓碑 长出了一点点儿青苔。

8. - We're seriously gonna eat moss?

译文:- (英) 我们真的要吃青苔吗。

9. Two leagues from here, due east, just beyond the mossy knoll near the rose thickets.

译文:离这里大约两里格远 正东方向 Two leagues from here, due east, 过了玫瑰丛林附近的青苔小丘就到了 just beyond the mossy knoll near the rose thickets.。

10. Stones had become white, moss was growing on wood.


11. What does the term "a rolling stone gathers no moss"mean?

译文:"滚动的石头不长青苔" 这话什么意思。

12. - And moss always grows on?

译文:- 那青苔总是长在。

13. Ashes sinking into the moss-covered clay?

译文:多少次灰烬沉没于 布满青苔的黏土。

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