小棘用英语怎么说 小棘的英语翻译

小棘用英语怎么说 小棘的英语翻译

小棘用英语说"clavula",还经常被译作  miliary spine,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到41个与小棘相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. clavula


British researchers studying the behavior of tiny stickleback fish have found that they are much more willing to take risks in search of food in pairs than alone.


2.   miliary spine

小棘翻译为   miliary spine。

These are lantern sharks. The tiniest sharks in existence. They are so small, they can fit in the palm of your hand.



1. miliary spine(小棘)

2. clavula(小棘)

3. lesser tympanic spine(鼓小棘)

4. smaller tympanic spine(鼓小棘)

5. Spina tympanica minor(鼓小棘)


lichen spinulosus ( 小棘苔藓 )

trichostasis spinulosa ( 小棘状毛壅症 )

trichostasis spinulosa ( 小棘状毛壅病 )

lesser tympanic spine ( 鼓小棘 解剖 )

Acanthemblemaria paula ( 小棘胎鳚 )

Acanthophora muscoides Bory ( 小棘藻 )

Micracanthorhynchina motomurai ( 木村小棘吻虫 )

microcanthopore ( 小棘管 无脊椎 )


1. ♪ we forward in this generation ♪


2. - Oh, Marvin! - Patty-cake, Patty-cake, Patty-cake!

译文:-小甜心 小甜心。

3. Fairy, little fairy, Turn this tooth into a coin.


4. - You gotta be kiddin' me. Patty-cake, patty-cake?

译文:小甜心 小甜心。

5. - Patty-cake, Patty-cake, - Oh, Marvin,

译文:小甜心 小甜心。

6. i brought you here 16 years ago, when you were no bigger than a bow truckle.

译文:我xx年前送你来这时 你还没有一只小史棘龙大。

7. ♪ i will soften every edge

译文:# 我愿披荆斩棘 # # I will soften every edge #。

8. Their names are so similar. Mak Mak, Nak Mak.

译文:小迈小奈 小奈小迈。

9. This isn't an easy life we've chosen but there's no way to get through it without the truth.

译文:我们选择的道路荆棘遍布 但不明真相的话 就无法披荆斩棘。

10. Little Lalita, little Lalita, little Lalita.

译文:小Lalita 小Lalita 小Lalita。

11. Overcoming all the obstructions


12. Greed clarifies, cuts through... and captures the essence... of the evolutionary spirit.

译文:贪婪可以厘清一切 披荆斩棘直捣演化的精髓。

13. Your journey in life will take you farther from love... than you can imagine.

译文:荆棘般的旅程会让你远离情爱... 超乎你所预料。

14. Through the brush and in the clover.


15. i'm Nurse Ratched, here to give you your daily meds.

译文:我是护士棘齿,这里 给你每天吃药。

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