药师用英语怎么说 药师的英语翻译

药师用英语怎么说 药师的英语翻译

药师的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为pharmacist -,还经常被译作  apothecary,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到15个与药师相关的释义和例句。


1. pharmacist -

药师翻译为 pharmacist -。

An assembly of twenty-two deities surrounds Bhaisajyaguru.


2.   apothecary

药师翻译为   apothecary。

Medicine men and the priests.


3.   Pharmacist

药师翻译为   Pharmacist。

示例:结账的时候,药师问男孩要买多少个,是3联包? 10联包?
At the register, the pharmacist asks the boy how many he'd like to buy; a 3-pack, a 10-pack, or a family pack.


4.   Assistant Pharmacist

药师翻译为   Assistant Pharmacist。

示例:Number Three. A pharmacist assistant.
我第三个 药剂师助理



1. medewife( 药师)

2. pharies( 药师)

3. pharmacians( 药师)

4. traditional Chinese pharmacist(中药师)

5. yakusimycin(药师霉素)


Bhaisajyaguru the Buddha of Medicine Bhaisajyaguru Medicine Buddha Phra Kring ( 药师佛 )

Sutra of the Medicine Buddha ( 药师如来本愿经 )

The Medicine Buddha's Eastern Pure Land ( 药师净土变相图 )

Hiroko Yakushimaru Hiroko Yakushimaru ....Tomoe suzuki Shibuki Ogasawara ( 药师丸博子 )

American Pharmacists Association ( 美国药师协会 )

Sutra of the Vows of the Medicine Buddha of Lapis Lazuli Crystal Radiance and Seven Past Buddhas ( 新译药师琉璃光七佛本愿功德经 )

Pharmacist-in-charge pharmacist Professor of Pharmacy ( 主管药师 )

Pharmacists Pharmacist Hwang live for uber hys-jqg ( 黄药师 )

clinical pharmacist Clinic apothecary ( 临床药师 )


1. it's a remedy that i learned from a Borneo medicine man...


2. That seems like knowledge belonging to a pharmacist.


3. He won't let me be with Huang Yaoshi.


4. He spent time with the couple.


5. That night, Huang began to lose his memory.

译文:那晚黄药师 开始不记得好多事情。

6. Huang Yaoshi must be behind this.


7. i only have feelings for Huang.


8. That night, Huang played a joke on him.

译文:有一晚 黄药师跟他开了一个玩笑。

9. He's a psychiatrist at Beika Yakushino Hospital.

译文:米花药师野医院 心疗科的风户医生。

10. This man cures it with three plants from the Amazon Rainforest.


11. This fellow looked at the medicine man, and he said, "You didn't go to medical school, did you?"

译文:这个工作人员看了看这位药师,说, “你没上过医学院吧?”。

12. You will give your genome to the pharmacist, and your drug will be made for you and it will work much better than the ones that were -- you won't have side effects.

译文:而是把你的基因组数据给药师 药师根据你的情况为你配药 这比传统的的给药方式要好的多 而且也不会有副作用。

13. Pharmacists, innkeepers, pastors.


14. Huang Yaoshi was once wild and free.

译文:年青时候的黄药师 是一个放荡不羁的人。

15. i do remember an apothecary who lives not far from here... if it is life... where there is neither gold... nor food... nor rest.

译文:我记得有一个药师 住在离这里不远... 如果那是生命... 那里没有金子...。

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