降为用英语怎么说 降为的英语翻译

降为用英语怎么说 降为的英语翻译

降为的英语可以这样说:  Reduced,还网络中常译为"drop to",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到33个与降为相关的释义和例句。


1.   Reduced

降为翻译为   Reduced。

The boy's condition has been downgraded from critical to serious.


2. drop to

降为翻译为drop to。

The judge reduced the charge to second-degree murder.


3. be degraded to

降为翻译为be degraded to。

If you buy three bottles, the bottle price comes down to $10.


4. be reduced to

降为翻译为be reduced to。

示例:Then the sentence was reduced



1. denobilize(降为平民 放弃爵位)

2. zero cost( 零成本;投资成本降为零;零花费)


denobilize ( 降为平民 )

fall for drop for ( 下降为 )

vasodepressor syncope ( 以血压下降为主 )

reduce an officer to the ranks ( 把军官降为士兵 )

White Flag ( 为爱投降 )

i falling for you ( 我下降为您 )


1. So they took my rank, busted me down to a cook.

译文:所以他们拔除我的官阶 把我降为厨师。

2. So let's look at each one of these, and see how we can get this down to zero.

译文:下面让我们逐个来看各个因子,看看怎样才能将等式最终降为零 下面让我们逐个来看各个因子,看看怎样才能将等式最终降为零。

3. The big question, though, that many people are asking, even when they saw this curve, they said, "Well, hang on a minute -- that's great you can slow it down, but can you actually drive it down to zero?"

译文:然而最大的问题在于, 许多人都在问, 甚至当他们看到了这张曲线图, 他们还会说, “嘿,等会儿 ﹣ 你能把传播速度减慢, 这很赞, 可是你真的能够把病例数 下降为零吗?”。

4. Sandstorms like these appear without warning and reduce visibility for days over areas the size of Britain.

译文:如此巨大的沙暴出现时毫无征兆 所到之处能见度骤降为零, 几天内横扫的地区比英国还大。

5. - Oh, you just dropped to a C-minus due to lack of originality.

译文:- 噢 你就因为 缺乏创造力一下降为了C -的等级。

6. On Tononi's theory, there's still going to be a non-zero degree of consciousness.

译文:在托诺尼的理论中, 意识程度 也不会降为零。

7. And the quality of the air is dirty. We should use level 7 air handlers, we're using only level 5.


8. After 36 days... i had negotiated the final ransom figure down to $750,000.


9. Have you ever known a fishing expedition to be free, Will?

译文:Will 你知道一个审前调查 就可以把赔偿金额降为零。

10. i can reduce you to patrolman, send you down to Five Corners.

译文:我可以把你降为巡警, 把你送到五角街去。

11. Those who exalt themselves will be humbled... those who humble themselves will be exalted.

译文:自高之人必降为卑 自谦之人必升为高。

12. Anyone who praises himself will be humbled, and anyone who humbles himself will be praised.

译文:凡自高的,必降为卑 自卑的,必升为高。

13. We see that hobbes has fallen for the bait,

译文:我们看到,霍布斯 下降为诱饵。

14. Programmed with a menu, thanks to your big brain... that reduces the odds to just a few million to one... till it locks on to the winning combination.

译文:用 密码单来编码, 你的大脑袋... 把几百万的概率降为一个... 直到锁定一个决胜的组合。

15. - Beautiful. i asked for $3 million, i come down to two.


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