学龄用英语怎么说 学龄的英语翻译

学龄用英语怎么说 学龄的英语翻译

学龄用英语翻译为"school age",其次还可以说成"  edad escolar",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到67个与学龄相关的翻译和例句。


1. school age

学龄翻译为school age。

Most of them have young children below school age.


2.   edad escolar

学龄翻译为   edad escolar。

The report emphasized the value of a preschool education.


3.   school age

学龄翻译为   school age。

The ALA notes that it may be particularly difficult to tell when infants and preschool age children have the flu.


4. school-aged -

学龄翻译为 school-aged -。

示例:And thanks to Deworm the World, and the effort of many country governments and foundations, 20 million school-aged children got dewormed in 2009.
幸亏有这个世界除虫行动 以及很多国家政府和基金会的努力 xx年有2千万学龄儿童得到除虫



1. school age(学龄)

2. school ages( 学龄)

3. school age population(学龄儿童)

4. school period(学龄期)

5. schoolable( 学龄的)


the net enrollment rate in primary schools ( 小学学龄儿童净入学率 )

preschool preschool children preschool-aged children ( 学龄前儿童 )

school-age children school-age school children children ( 学龄儿童 )

School age School period school years School child ( 学龄期 )

preschool ( 学龄前的 )

Children of School Age school-aged children school age child ( 学龄期儿童 )

chemorheology ( 化学龄学 )

preschool age preschool years Preschool period ( 学龄前期 )


1. And down here, child survival, the percentage of children surviving childhood up to starting school: 60 percent, 70 percent, 80 percent, 90, and almost 100 percent, as we have today in the wealthiest and healthiest countries.

译文:这里,儿童存活率, 每个儿童存活的百分比 一直到学龄前儿童。60%,70%,80%,90%, 以及几乎100%,就跟现今 在最富有和最健康的国家里一样。

2. in this talk today, i want to present a different idea for why investing in early childhood education makes sense as a public investment.

译文:在今天的演讲里,我想陈述一个不同的观点 关于为什么投资儿童的学龄前教育 可以被看做为一种公共投资。

3. Over 50 years ago, there was a watershed moment in early education in the US called "Head Start."

译文:xx年以前, 美国学龄前教育有一道分水岭, 叫做“头脑启蒙”。

4. All i mean is, is that early childhood education can bring more and better jobs to a state and can thereby promote higher per capita earnings for the state's residents.

译文:我只是想说明,儿童学龄前教育 可以为各州带来更多与更好的工作 也因此能够提高各州居民的 人均收入。

5. i actually think the more profound barrier is the long-term nature of the benefits from early childhood programs.

译文:我觉得更严重的障碍 是学龄前教育计划回报的长期性特点。

6. 21 preschoolers were blown to pieces.


7. He's suffering from visual hallucinations... paranoia... some kind of school-age schizophrenia.

译文:他会产生幻觉 有妄想症 还有某种学龄儿童的精神分裂症。

8. That led to people like her, which, now -- she is a child who is a schoolchild.

译文:这导致很多像她一样的人, 那些学龄儿童没钱读书了。

9. The word i'm searching for i can't say because there's preschool toys present.

译文:我想要用的字现在不能说 因为有学龄前的玩具在场。

10. i was helping lead a research study about preschoolers and websites.

译文:我领导了一项研究, 是关于学龄前儿童和网站的。

11. So i think the research evidence on the benefits of early childhood programs for the local economy is extremely strong.

译文:所以我认为这些 对于儿童学龄前教育计划好处 的研究证据是极强的。

12. it's called UPSTART, and more than 60,000 preschoolers in the US have already used it.

译文:它叫做“伊始”。在美国,已有超过六万名学龄前儿童 接受了这样的教育方式。

13. This means that 40 or 45 percent of all school-aged children could be insulin-dependent within a decade. Within a decade.

译文:这就意味着40%或45%的 学龄儿童 将会在未来的xx年间 对胰岛素产生依赖。

14. And that's actually crucial because if we're going to get increased investment in early childhood programs, we need to interest state governments in this.

译文:这其实是很关键的 因为如果我们想要提高对 儿童学龄前教育计划的投资 我们就需要各州政府对它感兴趣。

15. Yeah, i-i-i thought that...

译文:她对小孩很在行 因为她主修学龄前教育。

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