彭程用英语怎么说 彭程的英语翻译

彭程用英语怎么说 彭程的英语翻译

彭程在英语中的翻译是"pumbaa",其次还可以说成"measuring span",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到55个与彭程相关的短语释义和例句。


1. pumbaa


示例:- Yeah. Hey, Pumbaa, come over here.
嗨, Pumbaa 来这儿.


2. measuring span

彭程翻译为measuring span。

示例:They'd spent ten years studying the male erection, and they came up with a scale for measuring hardness.
and they came up with a scale for measuring hardness.


3. engineering aspects

彭程翻译为engineering aspects。

示例:it was social engineering.
It was social engineering.


4. directive rule

彭程翻译为directive rule。

示例:This bet is for one million dollars.
Rule number two



1. pumbaa( 彭彭;疣猪彭彭;疣猪彭巴)

2. directive rule(程)

3. measuring span(程)

4. tytt( 王程程)

5. engineering aspects(程展望)


Penrose process ( 彭罗塞过程 )

Penrose process ( 彭罗斯过程 天物 )


1. Hey, Timon, Pumbaa. Come here.


2. This is a disaster, Pumbaa, a disaster, i tell you.

译文:这是个灾难 彭彭 灾难 我告诉你 这是个灾难 彭彭 灾难 我告诉你。

3. Sweet, innocent little Pumbaa.

译文:亲爱的 天真的 彭彭。

4. And before that it was Nick Parsons.


5. Pumbaa, this could be the start of a beautiful... acquaintanceship.

译文:彭彭 这可能是 美丽的开始 老友。

6. Pumbaa, this is our dream home.

译文:彭彭 这就是我们的梦想家园。

7. Home, sweet home, Pumbaa. Mm-hmm.

译文:家 我甜蜜的家 彭彭。

8. - it was the most horrible dream.


9. Well, Pumbaa, that's the thing about endings.

译文:好吧 彭彭 这就是结局。

10. He is... the most terrible man in the world.

译文:程┤ 。

11. Pumbaa, you're the only friend i've ever had.

译文:彭彭 你是我 唯一的朋友。

12. Pumbaa, do you know what this means?

译文:彭彭 你知道这代表什么吗。

13. We'll keep the youngest and the prettiest as my women,

译文:痉程淮程簘獹 Θи。

14. The most beautiful girl in the world.


15. Yeah, Pumbaa, but it ain't pretty.

译文:是的 彭彭 但是它不漂亮。

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