一个纸飞船用英语怎么说 一个纸飞船英语翻译

一个纸飞船用英语怎么说 一个纸飞船英语翻译

一个纸飞船的英语是"yet another",其次还可以说成"not one",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到30个与一个纸飞船相关的短语释义和例句。


1. yet another

一个纸飞船翻译为yet another。

示例:"in yet another startling development in Washington.."
『华盛顿又有惊人的消息传来』 "In yet another startling development in Washington...


2. not one

一个纸飞船翻译为not one。

示例:No, one was for him and one was for his girlfriend
one was for him and one was for his girlfriend


3. on the trot

一个纸飞船翻译为on the trot。

示例:More like the fox trot. Fox trot or the kangaroo glide.


4. one by one

一个纸飞船翻译为one by one。

示例:We look at all five again, properly, one by one.
one by one.



1. on the trot(一个接一个)

2. one by one(一个接一个)

3. a(一个 )

4. yet another(另外一个,还有一个…)

5. not one( 没有一个;没有一个会;不是一个)


1. Hey, who's got a napkin for me, huh?

译文:嘿,谁拥有一个 餐巾纸给我,是吧。

2. The ship we traveled on, carried a weapon.

译文:我们的飞船里 运载着一个武器。

3. Would participate in the ferry before the invasion.

译文:她当时参与下一个航天飞船工作 在入侵之前。

4. it didn't arrive in a spaceship, for God's sakes.

译文:只会是它一个 , 它也没坐飞船来。

5. That'll be a good trick-- napkins.


6. So he handed me a manila envelope.


7. One night, in our small town, a huge spaceship descended.

译文:一天晚上,在我们小镇上, 一个巨大的飞船降落.。

8. Some Aliens emerged from it but one could not go back.

译文:一些外星人从飞船上出现... ...没有一个能回去。

9. With a bigger one, you make a bigger one.


10. How? You have a rainbow bumper sticker on your car that says:


11. Then do it like this... and we have a Paper Bun.

译文:我们只要把这张纸 这样 一个纸鸡包就完成了。

12. Before the ship crash landed on a nearby planet.


13. To build a vessel that would carry the building blocks of a new civilization into space.

译文:造一个装着新文明基础的飞船 射向太空。

14. They gave me one -- i went home with this beautiful cardboard tub.

译文:他们给了我一个—— 这个超级漂亮的纸桶。

15. That leads to the utility corridors.

译文:那里通往一个多用途隧道系统 穿过飞船内部。

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