儿童游乐设施用英语怎么说 儿童游乐设施英语翻译

儿童游乐设施用英语怎么说 儿童游乐设施英语翻译

儿童游乐设施的英语为"  Integrated Playground Equipment",其次还可以说成"  Junior Rides",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到30个与儿童游乐设施相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Integrated Playground Equipment

儿童游乐设施翻译为   Integrated Playground Equipment。

Professional large-scale production of a variety of outdoor toys, children's play facilities, fitness and leisure equipment, rubber mat at the end;


2.   Junior Rides

儿童游乐设施翻译为   Junior Rides。

To the west of the lake is a place for children to play, where there are many recreational facilities.



1. dick rides(游乐设施)

2. tot lot(小型儿童游乐场)

3. recreation facilities(un. 娱乐设施\n 康乐设施;休闲设施;游乐设施)

4. play park(n. (儿童)游乐场)

5. Wendy houses(n. 温迪屋(儿童游乐室))


1. i guess they just like the same rides as we do.

译文:我想他们只是想 因为我们做同样的游乐设施。

2. if you go to an amusement park and don't want to stand in the long lines for the popular rides, there is now a solution.

译文:如果你去游乐园 不愿为了热门游乐设施 大排长龙 现在有办法解决。

3. infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure and discipline.


4. -These rides are safe, right?

译文:- 这些游乐设施坐起来安全吧。

5. She wanted to ride all the rides.

译文:她想骑 所有的游乐设施。

6. Will you be able to do the rides?


7. All my guys were here powerin' down rides, chaining up booths.


8. is there a height requirement for this ride?

译文:等一下 这个游乐设施有身高限制吗。

9. We could have a carnival with rides, for muscular dystrophy.

译文:我们在学校里装游乐园设施 让同学们锻练肌肉。

10. Hey, wait a second. That ride looks kind of like a....

译文:给我等一下 那个游乐设施看起来有点像...。

11. Merry-go-round. That's a carousel.

译文:是旋转木马 游乐设施。

12. She's not on any of the rides.

译文:- 游乐设施上都没有她. - Oh, my God.。

13. infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure and discipline.


14. They dissolve, and then they're rebuilt each day, kind of like a traveling carnival where the rides are taken down and then rebuilt every single day.

译文:它们会分解, 然后每天都被重建, 有点像流动嘉年华, 游乐设施每天都被拆除和重建。

15. First thing to do, get on top of that ride.

译文:首先要做的是 爬到游乐设施的最上面。

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