世界报业协会用英语怎么说 世界报业协会英语翻译

世界报业协会用英语怎么说 世界报业协会英语翻译

世界报业协会用英语翻译为"  World Association of Newspapers",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到32个与世界报业协会相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   World Association of Newspapers

世界报业协会翻译为   World Association of Newspapers。

示例:“如果你占有了所有的平台,那你的受众比任何时候都要庞大”,世界报业协会的拉里·基尔曼(Larry Kilman )说, “这不是受众的问题,这是一个收入问题。”
“The audience is bigger than ever, if you include all platforms,” says Larry Kilman of the World Association of Newspapers. “It’s not an audience problem—it’s a revenue problem.”



1. die welt(世界报)

2. le monde( 世界报;法国世界报;法国的世界报)

3. nna(abbr. National Newspaper Association 全国报业协会)

4. keyhan( 世界报)

5. New York World(纽约世界报)


IPI International Press Institute ( 世界性的国际报业协会 )


1. And Time, and US News World Report. And our losses are a joke.


2. The National Association of Prospectors is gonna honor you with the Golden Pickaxe.

译文:全国探矿业协会 将把金镐奖授予你。

3. But Kronos is fated to rise again... to exact his vengeance on Olympus, and the world.

译文:但克罗诺斯注定会复活... 并会向奥林珀斯及全世界报复。

4. And the R.i.A.A. wants her to check for illegal downloads.

译文:并且美国唱片工业协会(RIAA)希望她 检查一下非法下载的事。

5. A solo sailing race around the world?

译文:(国际开放海域 帆船竞赛协会) 单人世界航行竞赛。

6. The Commerce Guilds and the Corporate Alliance... have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming...

译文:商业协会和企业联盟... 双双带兵投靠杜酷伯爵 形成...。

7. This seal is a part of the self-regulation of the Motion Picture Association.

译文:这封印是自我调节的一部分 影业协会。

8. Alain Bernard is writing a profile on me for Le Monde.


9. i am deeply grateful to be chosen as 1966 Man of the Year by the atlanta Business council.

译文:我深深感谢被选为1966的年度先生... ...被亚特兰大商业协会.。

10. One woman has hurt you, and you take your revenge on the rest of the world.

译文:一个女人伤害了你 你便对全世界报复。

11. i've got to have lunch here with old man Clark. He's the international...



译文:帕克斯顿 / 矿业协会行贿基金 PAXTON / MINING UNION SLUSH FUND。

13. i'm gonna talk to Hearst, see what kind of press he can give me.


14. The meat and poultry associations immediately took the USDA to court.

译文:肉类和家禽业协会 马上起诉农业部。

15. My Zarka wants to be a journalist for Le Monde .

译文:扎卡想当记者 《世界报》的记者。

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