螺旋状用英语怎么说 螺旋状的英语翻译

螺旋状用英语怎么说 螺旋状的英语翻译



1. helix


示例:无论如何,如果我们检查这些螺旋状 DNA 的末端,我们会发现每条人类染色体的末端都有一个被称作“端粒”的 DNA 序列。
Anyway, if we examine these ends of these coils of DNA, we will find a sequence of DNA at each end of every human Chromosome, called a telomere.


2. cochleate


These spiral vessels are part of a banana plant stem.


3.   spiral

螺旋状翻译为   spiral。

示例:你看它看起来有点像——好吧,实际上它比这个复杂得多,但它让我们想起——一些连在一起的弹簧,像两个螺旋状的 DNA 片段。
You see that it sort of looks like—well actually it's much more complex than this, but it reminds us—a couple of springs linked together, two coiled-up pieces of DNA.


4. vibrioid-shaped


示例:# it's full of flowers and heart-shaped boxes
∮ It's full of flowers and heart -shaped boxes



1. helical fracture(螺旋状断裂(断口), 螺旋状破裂, 螺旋状断口)

2. helical crimp(螺旋卷曲, 螺旋状卷缩,螺旋状鬈曲)

3. helical grid(螺旋状栅极)

4. helical symmetry(螺旋状对称)

5. helicoidal blade(螺旋状叶片)


spiral helical cork screw helicine ( 螺旋状的 )

cyclone whirlwind ( 螺旋状的疾风 )

curl helix screws ( 螺旋状物 )

spirilla spirillum spiral form bacteria ( 螺旋状菌 )

spiral visual field ( 螺旋状视野 )

coiled polymer worm-like polymer spiral polymer coilpolymer ( 螺旋状聚合物 )

spirillum spiral bacteria spirillumlspirilla ( 螺旋状细菌 )

helical deformation ( 螺旋状形变 )


1. Swirled cone with rainbow sprinkles.


2. if it's slanted a bit, it means it's twisted... and you're going to get a propeller-like board.

译文:如果它倾斜了一下, 这意味着它的扭... 而你会得到 螺旋桨状板。

3. The intense gravity of the companion will attract that gas, pulling it into a spiraling disk.

译文:这位伴随者的强大引力会吸引气体 The intense gravity of the companion will attract that gas, 使它们形成一个螺旋状的圆盘 pulling it into a spiraling disk.。

4. So i went ahead, collected wall tissue, prepared it so it was erect, sectioned it, put it on slides and then stuck it under the microscope to have a look, fully expecting to see crossed helices of collagen of some variety.

译文:于是我开始着手,收集了外壁组织 把它制备成勃起时的状态 将它横切, 放在玻片上 然后放在显微镜下来观察 一心期望能看到各种胶原蛋白呈交叉螺旋状排列。

5. Deep markings from twined rope cord.

译文:- 遗体颈部上清楚留有螺旋状勒痕。

6. He still did some corkscrewing or waving.


7. There's the aggregate and flagelliform silk glands which combine to make the sticky capture spiral of an orb web.

译文:这里是聚状丝腺和鞭状丝腺 它们均用于制造蛛网上 富有黏性的螺旋状丝。

8. The majority of the galaxies are spiral, similar to our own Milky Way.

译文:大多数星系都是螺旋状的, 就像我们的银河系一样。

9. it's a spiral. it has a dust lane.


10. Declaration of Life and Death.


11. A vortex pattern has appeared on his back.


12. in the case of the capture spiral, it needs to be so stretchy to absorb the impact of flying prey.

译文:以螺旋状丝为例 它必须非常有弹性 才能经受住飞行猎物的冲撞。

13. Different kind of heater cord.


14. i'll get the Director Spiral.


15. You want me to drive to that wierd swirly hole?


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