科教兴国用英语怎么说 科教兴国英语翻译

科教兴国用英语怎么说 科教兴国英语翻译

科教兴国通常被翻译为"invigorating china by means of science and technology -"的意思,还可以翻译为  to reinvigorate the country through science and education,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到23个与科教兴国相关的短语释义和例句。


1. invigorating china by means of science and technology -

科教兴国翻译为 invigorating china by means of science and technology -。



2.   to reinvigorate the country through science and education

科教兴国翻译为   to reinvigorate the country through science and education。



3. invigorating china by means of science and technology -

科教兴国翻译为 invigorating china by means of science and technology -。



4. develop the country through science and education -

科教兴国翻译为 develop the country through science and education -。




1. finetianine(兴国乌头碱)

2. disciplinary faculty(学科教师)

3. liberal education(文科教育)

4. science teacher(理科教员)

5. seperate teacher(分科教师)


strategy for invigorating China through science and education the strategy of reinvigorating the co( 科教兴国战略 )

the strategies of reinvigorating China through science and education and strengthening the nation t( 科教兴国战略和人才强国战略 )


1. You'll take over my position soon.

译文:不久之后要继承我 当上第一外科教授的人也是你耶。

2. At least the universities won't cost us as much, with overseas students paying fees covering education costs.

译文:好吧 至少本科教育开支有所减少 At least the universities won't cost us as much, 外国学生学费抵了教育开支 with overseas students paying fees covering education costs.。

3. Takegawa? Shouldn't you be heading to your next class soon?

译文:竹川 该到理科教室去了。

4. What is happening is that, very rapidly in historical terms, the world is being driven and shaped, not by the old developed countries, but by the developing world.

译文:当前发生的 是,在历史上非常迅速, 世界不是 被老旧的发达国家 所驱动和塑造, 而是被发展中新兴国家。

5. "Augustine, under the watchful eye of Professor Charcot

译文:"奥古斯丁 在沙尔科教授的注视下"。

6. The "no child left behind" act would now hold states accountable for not having students who met minimum education requirements.

译文:“没有被放弃的孩子”法案 现在要每个州 负责学生达到至少最低学科教育规定。

7. if you're a senior person at UNESCO and someone says, "So what are you doing to eradicate world poverty?"

译文:如果你是联合国科教文组织的一个高级官员 当某人问起:“那你要怎么 消除当今世界的贫困问题呢?“。

8. if you're a senior person at UNESCO and someone says, "So what are you doing to eradicate world poverty?"

译文:如果你是联合国科教文组织的一个高级官员 当某人问起:“那你要怎么 消除当今世界的贫困问题呢?“。

9. There's a discrepancy in what's happening today in the emerging economies.

译文:而在今天的新兴国家中 发展的差异。

10. Over the last 10 years, i've had the privilege to travel to over 60 countries, many of them in the emerging markets, in Latin America, Asia, and my own continent of Africa.

译文:过去 10 年中, 我曾有幸到 60 多个国家旅行, 许多是新兴国家, 在拉丁美洲、 亚洲、 和我家乡非洲大陆的一些国家。

11. i had a foster father... who's a psychiatry professor

译文:以前有个收养我的爸爸 是精神科教授。

12. You're only a physics professor, not Snowden.

译文:你是物理科教授 又不是斯诺登。

13. Our school would show Bill Nye the Science Guy.

译文:我们学校也会放科教节目Bill Nye the Science Guy。

14. Both projects are in emerging countries, one in Ethiopia and another one in Tunisia.

译文:这两个案例都位于新兴国家, 一个在埃塞俄比亚, 另一个在突尼斯.。

15. And in the discussion i attended with global leaders, you know, many say now the problem is that the emerging economies, they are getting out too much carbon dioxide.

译文:上次我参加了一个世界领导人的会议 很多人在埋怨新兴国家 说他们排放了太多CO2。

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