树羔皮用英语怎么说 树羔皮的英语翻译

树羔皮用英语怎么说 树羔皮的英语翻译

树羔皮的英语可以这样说:  Nomade Leather,还可以翻译为  Cuir Nomade,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到30个与树羔皮相关的译文和例句。


1.   Nomade Leather

树羔皮翻译为   Nomade Leather。

示例:You look so good in leather.
You look so good in leather.


2.   Cuir Nomade


1. caracule(仿羔皮)

2. karakul cloth(仿羔皮织物)

3. kid gloves(n. 羔皮手套)

4. crimmer(克里亚卷毛羔皮 等于)

5. dynacurl(代纳克尔羔皮绒)


1. Doctor, please do your best.


2. One tree, two trees, three trees,four trees seven trees... ...ten trees...

译文:一棵树 两棵树 三棵树 四棵树...。

3. You have a meeting with the EPA at noon to discuss... - A tree is a tree.


4. i wish we had taken the kid gloves off and wiped the floor with that Bridgeworth creep.

译文:我希望我们采取了羊羔皮手套关闭 和扫地与Bridgeworth镶边。

5. Trees and trees and then more trees on top of that.


6. Called this granddaddy the Tree of Life.


7. The Sweetness Tree! The Sweetness Tree is finally exposed!

译文:甜甜树 甜甜树终于爆发了。

8. Twenty trees, twenty-one trees...

译文:20棵树 21棵树 22棵树... ...。

9. Harold, a tree doesn't think it's a tree it is a tree.

译文:树并不认为它是树 但它的确是树。

10. Sugar cane, guava trees, papaya trees, banana trees...

译文:好,有甘蔗田,芭乐树 木瓜树,香蕉树。

11. Hiro! Don't get any closer.


12. it was a special place for playing? in the corner of Platz Muranowski.


13. Abandon tree! Abandon tree!

译文:放弃树 放弃树。

14. There's a tree with a flower on it.


15. - A tree is a tree, and a trail is a trail.

译文:树就是树 路就是路。

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