坡度用英语怎么说 坡度的英语翻译

坡度用英语怎么说 坡度的英语翻译

坡度通常被翻译为"falling gradient"的意思,还网络中常译为"gradient",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到41个与坡度相关的翻译和例句。


1. falling gradient

坡度翻译为falling gradient。

The slope increases as you go up the curve.


2. gradient


Variables included the slope of the land, the ability of the pavement to support the load.


3. inclination


The railway slopes up slightly at this point.


4. falling gradient -

坡度翻译为 falling gradient -。

示例:"What a falling off was there."
"What a falling off was there."



1. slope gradient(坡度)

2. gradient post(坡度标;坡度标桩)

3. dinometer(坡度仪)

4. earthwork slope(土工坡度)

5. economic grade(经济坡度)


good gradient good acclivity ( 平缓的坡度 )

Gradeability Gradient Climbing Capacity ( 爬坡度 )

grade location grde loction ( 坡度测设 测 )

water surface slope slope of water surface slope of surface ( 水面坡度 )

ease grade flat gradient flat grade ( 平缓坡度 )

critical slope criticing slope ( 临界坡度 )

angle of slope angle of pitch ( 坡度角 )

roof pitch square pitch Roof Slope slope of roof ( 屋面坡度 )

surface gradient ( 表面坡度 )


1. And at that point, i'll put it to you that nine out of 10 classes are good to go on the whole slope, steepness thing.

译文:在这一点,我将展示给你们,10个班里有9个班 能很好的继续解决整个坡度,陡度的问题。

2. Then you use a compass and an inclinometer to measure the direction the cave is headed and measure the slope of the floor and the ceilings.

译文:然后用指南针和测斜仪 测量洞穴的朝向 和岩顶与地面的坡度。

3. The slope of the epidemic curve is approaching now, in November.


4. it's about defining steepness and slope using a ski lift.

译文:它是关于确定陡度和坡度 在一个滑雪缆车上.。

5. And at that point, i'll put it to you that nine out of 10 classes are good to go on the whole slope, steepness thing.

译文:在这一点,我将展示给你们,10个班里有9个班 能很好的继续解决整个坡度,陡度的问题。

6. the downhill, you know, slope and...

译文:和它的其余部分仅仅是 试图生存 下坡,你知道吗, 坡度和...。

7. in this case what we're doing is we're taking the orchestra floor, lifting it up, spinning it, changing the rake, taking it back to flat floor, changing the rake again. in essence, you can begin to define rakes and viewing angles of people in the orchestra seating, at will.

译文:我们将交响乐舞台 抬起来,旋转 改变坡度,放在平地上, 再一次改变坡度。简单地说,就是 你可以任意调整观众席的 坡度和视角。

8. What happens is that the wind blows the sand up the shallow slope on the other side, and then, as each sand grain hits the top of the ridge, it cascades down on the inside of the crescent, and so the whole horn-shaped dune moves.

译文:风先是将沙子 从坡度较缓的方向吹向另一侧, 沙子会不断机打沙丘脊的顶部, 然后沙子会从沙丘脊部连续不断地落入月牙型的沙丘内部 并且整个号角状的沙丘会随之移动。

9. And some of the seats need to actually change their direction, and change their rake, to allow that to happen.

译文:有些座位的方向也需要改变 相应的,坡度也要发生变化。

10. The slope of the epidemic curve is approaching now, in November.


11. Due to the incline and low altitude.


12. And to do that meant creating the flattest gradients that had ever yet been made, which meant building long viaducts across river valleys -- this is actually the viaduct across the Thames at Maidenhead -- and long tunnels such as the one at Box, in Wiltshire.

译文:要做到意味着做出当时还没有的 最平的道路坡度, 也就是说造出穿越河谷的长高架桥 -- 这其实就是横跨梅登黑德的泰晤士河的高架桥 以及如同威尔特郡的长隧道。

13. What happens is that the wind blows the sand up the shallow slope on the other side, and then, as each sand grain hits the top of the ridge, it cascades down on the inside of the crescent, and so the whole horn-shaped dune moves.

译文:风先是将沙子 从坡度较缓的方向吹向另一侧, 沙子会不断机打沙丘脊的顶部, 然后沙子会从沙丘脊部连续不断地落入月牙型的沙丘内部 并且整个号角状的沙丘会随之移动。

14. in this case what we're doing is we're taking the orchestra floor, lifting it up, spinning it, changing the rake, taking it back to flat floor, changing the rake again. in essence, you can begin to define rakes and viewing angles of people in the orchestra seating, at will.

译文:我们将交响乐舞台 抬起来,旋转 改变坡度,放在平地上, 再一次改变坡度。简单地说,就是 你可以任意调整观众席的 坡度和视角。

15. Further north in the East River Park, we are creating rolling hills that protect the park from the noise of the highway, but in turn also become the necessary flood protection that can stop the waves during an incoming storm surge.

译文:往北到东河公园, 我们设计了小小的坡度, 以让公园不受高速公路噪音的影响, 但同时也是必要的防洪设施, 可以在即将到来的风暴潮中阻止海浪。

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