尾状细胞用英语怎么说 尾状细胞英语翻译

尾状细胞用英语怎么说 尾状细胞英语翻译

尾状细胞的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为cometal cells,还可以翻译为caudate cells,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到88个与尾状细胞相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. cometal cells

尾状细胞翻译为cometal cells。

Conclusions: OECs promote the growth of the co-cultured rat caudate nucleus neurons.


2. caudate cells

尾状细胞翻译为caudate cells。

示例:Uh, here is a microscopic view of the cells.
here is a microscopic view of the cells.



1. fusiform cell(纺锤状细胞, 梭状细胞)

2. Nucleus caudatus(尾状核)

3. uromorphic(尾状的)

4. uromorphous(尾状的)

5. caudatum(尾状核)


goblet cell caminoid ( 阑尾杯状细胞类癌 )


1. Short-term credit conditions.


2. His name is Kaji so everybody calls him Kaji Bear.

译文:名字是叫尾 大家都戏称他尾熊。

3. in the retina, there are two different types of light-detecting cells: rods and cones.

译文:在视网膜上有两种感光细胞 杆状细胞和锥状细胞。

4. And we're beginning to find these little things for malaria, for sickle cell, for cancers.

译文:我们现在刚刚开始研究这个突变基因对疟疾 镰刀状细胞以及癌症的作用。

5. it's at the end of the street. We're gonna go.


6. The harrier has a dish-shaped face like an owl.


7. You don't have a cone specifically for detecting yellow, but yellow is kind of close to green and also kind of close to red, so both the red and green cones get activated, and each sends a signal to your brain saying so.

译文:你并没有专门负责接收黄光的锥状细胞 但是因为黄色和绿色 及红色相近, 所以负责红色和绿色的锥状细胞会被活化, 分别传送讯息到你的脑部。

8. There three kinds of cone cells that roughly correspond to the colors red, green, and blue.

译文:我们有三种锥状细胞, 他们分别对应红色、 绿色、 和蓝色。

9. The cones, however, are a different story.


10. The lab offered to 3D-print my caudate.

译文:实验室提供了我的 尾状核的 3D 打印模型。

11. You'll tear it! - Oh, the tag is broken.


12. its weapons are harpoon-like cells that cover its tentacles.

译文:它的武器是覆盖在 触手上的鱼叉状细胞。

13. Declaration of Life and Death.


14. When you see a color, each cone sends its own distinct signal to your brain.

译文:当你看到颜色时, 不同的锥状细胞会将不同的讯息送向脑部。

15. As far as we know, it's a stimulation of the brain's ventral tegmental area and caudate nucleus.

译文:据我们所知, 这是一个刺激 大脑的腹侧被盖 区和尾状核。

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