巨噬细胞用英语怎么说 巨噬细胞英语翻译

巨噬细胞用英语怎么说 巨噬细胞英语翻译

巨噬细胞的英语可以这样说:macrophagus,其次还可以说成"macrophage -",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到56个与巨噬细胞相关的短语释义和例句。


1. macrophagus


Macrophages are cells that play a role in the response of the immune system of mice and other mammals to invasive organisms such as bacteria.


2. macrophage -

巨噬细胞翻译为 macrophage -。

Upon phagocytosis by a macrophage, the "Leishmania" parasite ended up in a phagocytic vacuole.


3. macrophage -

巨噬细胞翻译为 macrophage -。

Those secreted by monocytes or macrophages are termed monokines.


4. macrophagocyte


1. megalophage(巨噬细胞; 巨噬细胞)

2. macrophage(巨噬细胞 )

3. macropphage(巨噬细胞)

4. marcrophage(巨噬细胞)

5. scavenger cell(巨噬细胞)


1. Early-responding inflammatory cells, like neutrophils and macrophages, respond to the emergency call.

译文:早期反应的发炎细胞, 如中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞, 在接警后会首先到达。

2. Among the most important of these are white blood cells, known as macrophages, which devour bacteria and damage tissue through a process known as phagocytosis, in addition to producing growth factors to spur healing.

译文:这些细胞中最重要的就是白细胞, 也被称作巨噬细胞, 除了产生生长因子加速愈合, 它们还能够吞噬细菌和损伤的组织, 这一吞噬的过程叫做吞噬作用。

3. # Pump it up # When you don't really need it


4. Everything up to now has been done entirely subconsciously.


5. Now those big white cells are attacking the cancer cells.


6. These cells seem to be a fusion of "Nishiwaki" cells and cancer cells.

译文:这个细胞类似西月窈细胞 与人类癌细胞的融合体。

7. A heart cell? A brain cell?


8. This is a normal cell. This is a cancer cell.


9. And, there are other frequently dividing cells in your body like skin cells, gut cells, and blood cells.

译文:身体里还有其他时常分裂的细胞 比如皮肤细胞,肠细胞,和血细胞。

10. Your skin cell is really useless without a heart cell, muscle cell, a brain cell and so on.

译文:皮肤细胞根本没用, 要是没有心脏细胞,肌肉细胞, 脑细胞等等。

11. Pigmentation marks in the macrophage.


12. This is a normal cell. This is a cancer cell.


13. And as they pick that, these become bone, and then they pick another road and these become platelets, and these become macrophages, and these become T cells.

译文:那些选择这条路的 就形成了骨骼 而那些选择了另一条路的就变成了血小板 这些变成了巨噬细胞 这些是T细胞。

14. We then take the cells, the vascular cells, blood vessel cells, we perfuse the vascular tree with the patient's own cells.

译文:然后我们用细胞,管道细胞 血管细胞,我们用病人自己的细胞 注满这个树状的血管。

15. Cells called macrophages charge in as the first line of attack, searching for and destroying the viruses and infected cells.

译文:巨噬细胞作为第一线的攻击者 将会搜索并消灭病毒与受感染的细胞。

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