参众两院用英语怎么说 参众两院英语翻译

参众两院用英语怎么说 参众两院英语翻译

参众两院用英语翻译为"  House and Senate",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到42个与参众两院相关的翻译和例句。


1.   House and Senate

参众两院翻译为   House and Senate。

The president rebuked the House and Senate for not passing those bills within 100 days.



1. bicameralism(议会两院制 )

2. bicameral(议会两院制的 )

3. bicameralist(议会两院制的)

4. joint economic committee([财]两院联合经济委员会)

5. joint committees( 联合委员会;两院联合委员会)


House and Senate Rules ( 参众两院规章制度 )

Conference committee negotiations ( 参众两院召开协调会议 )

Senate and House Committee Reports ( 参众两院委员会报告 )


1. i'll make sure that you won't be promoted into the Da Mor Hall.


2. But we'll keep her a day or two to stem the infection.


3. We can't let the Republicans control both houses of Congress.


4. Better talk to the head of the clinic. Now, if you call about 10:00 tomorrow...


5. No, we'll have a select committee to vet every application, and no surveillance to last over two weeks without a further application.

译文:不 要由两院设置特别委员会 上院法官核准 No, we'll have a select committee to vet every application, 每延长2周 需重新申请 no surveillance to last over two weeks without application。

6. The other men should be discharged in a couple of days


7. if need to go to the hospital.


8. Three bedrooms, two baths. Landscape backyard. A little gazebo-thing.

译文:叁间卧室 两间浴室 山景后院 还有个小露台。

9. There are only two orphanages in the region.


10. Hello, National Palace Museum -

译文:您好! 故宫博物院院长室。

11. My dad's accountant and two women that work in his nursing home.

译文:我爸的会计还有疗养院的 两个女职员。

12. Here, on the battlefield of the Senate, his weapons are common sense and hope.

译文:在参众两院的战场上战斗 他的武器是寻常的情感 和希望。

13. Light the lanterns at the fourth house!


14. They've struck the Palace and both Houses.

译文:他们攻击了宫殿和两院 They've struck the palace and both houses.。

15. One country. two Councils?

译文:一国两院,你们搞什么? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}One country.。

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