全盛期用英语怎么说 全盛期的英语翻译

全盛期用英语怎么说 全盛期的英语翻译

全盛期的英语是"floruit",还经常被译作  noon,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到50个与全盛期相关的译文和例句。


1. floruit


The late '50s and early' 60s were Mr. Curtis's heyday.


2.   noon

全盛期翻译为   noon。

England flourished under the Tudors.


3.   florescence

全盛期翻译为   florescence。

You don't need to keep the extras that are past their prime.


4. florescence


1. prime of life(生命全盛期)

2. primes of life(生命全盛期,壮年)

3. golden ages(n. 黄金时代,全盛期)

4. noons((noon 的复数) n. 正午, 中午, 全盛期)

5. heydays((heyday 的复数) n. 全盛期\ninterj. 嘿)


High Renaissance ( 文艺复兴全盛期 )

prime of life the prime of life ( 生命全盛期 )

in full bloom ( 全盛期间 )

in full bloom heyday palmy days ( 全盛时期 )

in the pride of be in one's glory in glory ( 处于全盛时期 )

One's sun is set ( 全盛时期已过 )

Augustan Age ( 拉丁文学全盛时期 )

Greece in her glory ( 希腊全盛时期 )

her sun is set ( 她的全盛时期已经过去 )


1. i was sure his reign would be a golden age.

译文:我认定他会将英格兰带入全盛时期 I was sure his reign would be a Golden Age.。

2. The high period of the indus civilisation started from 2900 BC to 1900 BC.

译文:印度河流域文明的全盛期 是从公元前xx年到公元前xx年。

3. But here is a mushroom that's past its prime.


4. At our height we had 40,000 employees.


5. And yet, in the 1600's, when nation-states were really coming into their own, less than one percent of the world's population resided in a city.

译文:然而,在十七世纪里 当民族国家进入全盛时期 全世界少于百分之一的人口 居住于城市 今天,城市人口增长到百分之五十四。

6. - i'm thinking Mattingly in his prime.


7. For every island is destined for a spectacular final flourish

译文:每座岛屿都注定出现一次 最后的繁盛期。

8. - Vintage. Working Girl, 1988.


9. it's the season, but the violets are already done.

译文:正当令, 不过紫罗兰盛期已过。

10. But 4,000 years is not enough to get us back to our last glacial maximum.

译文:然而四千年不足以让我们 回到最后一个冰川极盛期。

11. Like Jordan in his prime, pushing through the front line.

译文:就像乔丹全盛时期一样 穿梭于锋线间。

12. At their peak, they support the greatest gatherings of wildlife found anywhere on Earth.


13. But here is a mushroom that's past its prime.


14. What it must have been like,"

译文:全盛时期的 '马克西姆酒吧',与自己的爱人...。

15. Looking up skirts was all the rage and periods became an obsession.

译文:在这段偷窥女生内裤的全盛时期 月经的话题也就流行起来了。

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