农贸市场用英语怎么说 农贸市场英语翻译

农贸市场用英语怎么说 农贸市场英语翻译

农贸市场的英语翻译是"  farm market",还经常被译作farm produce fair,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到58个与农贸市场相关的释义和例句。


1.   farm market

农贸市场翻译为   farm market。

We manage to get most of our produce in farmers' markets.


2. farm produce fair

农贸市场翻译为farm produce fair。

The small melon is what sells at New York Greenmarkets and other farmers' markets.


3. markets of agricultural products -

农贸市场翻译为 markets of agricultural products -。

Some of them went to the farmer's market to buy vegetables.


4.   open fair

农贸市场翻译为   open fair。

示例:- No fair! - Young Sookie: Open this one!



1. farm produce fairs(农贸市场)

2. farm product market(农贸市场)

3. farm produce market( 农贸市场)

4. gomecistas( 农贸市场)

5. farmer's market(农夫市场\n农贸市场)


CHO HAN Han Market ( 韩农贸市场 )

Vanha kauppahalli ( 老农贸市场 )

Hilo Farmers Market ( 希洛农贸市场 )

Jean Talon ( 让泰龙农贸市场 )

The farmers' market of United States ( 美国的农贸市场 )


Calgary Farmers' Market ( 卡尔加里农贸市场 )


1. She's at the farmer's market.

译文:她在农贸市场 She's at the farmer's market.。

2. Today at the Farmer's Market, we bumped into a dame. i think it was his wife!

译文:今天在农贸市场, 我们撞见一个女人 我觉得那是他妻子。

3. With a government online database of more than 8,600 farmers markets across the country, you can easily find the nearest one to you.

译文:政府的在线数据显示 全国有8600个农贸市场, 你可以轻松找到离你最近的。

4. He went to the farmer's market?

译文:- 他去 农贸市场。

5. This is John Gilvray bringing to a close the Ranch Market...

译文:我是John Gilvray 将带你们去一家附近的农贸市场...。

6. Does anybody want strawberries i bought at the farmers' market?


7. Step one: shop at your local farmers markets.


8. We met Margot Draper's daughter at the farmers' market.

译文:- 还没完呢 我们在农贸市场碰到了 Margot Draper的女儿。

9. People should be jumping all over this like frogs on a hot sidewalk, but i'm not even picking up static.

译文:平常这个频道就像农贸市场一样 可是现在连个静电噪音也没有。

10. The farmer's market. we're supposed to meet Delia there at 9:00.

译文:农贸市场 我们和迪莉娅约好的 9点 The farmer's market. we're supposed to meet Delia there at 9: 00.。

11. Almost forgot step three, which may surprise you: shop at your local farmers markets.

译文:差点忘记第三步了。这可能也会让你们惊讶: 在本地农贸市场购买。

12. We will not do that through small farmers' markets because these people have no small farmers' markets at their disposal.

译文:我们不会通过小的农贸市场 因为这些人的处境中没有小农业市场。

13. On the other hand, farmers who sell their goods at a farmers market take home closer to 90 cents of every dollar.

译文:但是,在农贸市场卖掉他们商品的农民, 能在每1美元中带回家90美分。

14. Tender yellow young squash we sell down here at the Ranch Market.

译文:这里的农贸市场出售的 鲜嫩的南瓜。

15. Listen, i gotta go to the farmers' market, pick up some ingredients.


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