象牙海岸用英语怎么说 象牙海岸英语翻译

象牙海岸用英语怎么说 象牙海岸英语翻译

象牙海岸用英语说"the Ivory Coast",还经常被译作  CI,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到26个与象牙海岸相关的译文和例句。


1. the Ivory Coast

象牙海岸翻译为the Ivory Coast。

This was true in sixty-two percent of couples in Ivory Coast and Kenya.


2.   CI

象牙海岸翻译为   CI。

The Ivory Coast became the world's leading cocoa producer.


3.   Ivory Coast

象牙海岸翻译为   Ivory Coast。

The Baule people inhabit the Central Ivory Coast.


4.   Cote d'Ivoire

象牙海岸翻译为   Cote d'Ivoire。

示例:Cote d'ivoire, we have a huge problem of child slaves.



1. mus setulosus(象牙海岸小鼠)

2. telecel( 布隆迪;津巴布韦;象牙海岸)

3. manbo( 曼波舞;曼步;象牙海岸)

4. ivory coast francs( 象牙海岸法郎\n(ivory coast franc 的复数))

5. telecels( 布隆迪;津巴布韦;象牙海岸\n(telecel 的复数))


The Republic of Ivory Coast republic of the ivory coast ( 象牙海岸共和国 )

Natural horn ( 象牙海岸号角 )

Ivory coast tektite ( 象牙海岸石 地质 )

Hotel Apartamentos Ivory Playa ( 象牙海岸公寓酒店 )

Ivory Coast Unrest ( 象牙海岸动乱 )

Ivory Coast-Fixed ( 拨打象牙海岸 )


1. in 2006, a few months after, i went ivory Coast -- Western Africa.

译文:(笑声) 在xx年,也就是几个月后 我去了象牙海岸—— 西部非洲。

2. You know my father was part of the Burkinabe rebellion?


3. More than 80 percent of ivory Coast's development went into the modern sector.

译文:象牙海岸经济收益80%以上 都进入了现代地区。

4. But they came up with a book, looking back at 13 years of political crisis in ivory Coast.

译文:但是他们最终出了本书 回顾了xx年来 象牙海岸的政治危机。

5. i mean, the press in ivory Coast was bitterly divided -- it was compared to the media in Rwanda before the genocide -- so imagine.

译文:我的意思是,象牙海岸的新闻界严重分裂 可以与 种族灭绝前的卢旺达媒体相提并论 所以想象一下。

6. But they came up with a book, looking back at 13 years of political crisis in ivory Coast.

译文:但是他们最终出了本书 回顾了xx年来 象牙海岸的政治危机。

7. Androgen... Minoxidil... Elephant tusk...


8. We brought together cartoonists from all sides in ivory Coast.

译文:我们把 象牙海岸所有不同立场的漫画家聚集在一起。

9. "even the ivory doorstops.


10. Scientists in the Tai Forests in the ivory Coast found chimpanzees who were using these rocks to smash open the incredibly hard hulls of nuts.

译文:科学家在象牙海岸的塔伊森林发现 黑猩猩可以用石块来砸开 非常坚硬的坚果外壳。

11. i didn't own my own plane. i owned a fleet.

译文:运行枪进入利比里亚,塞拉利昂 或至少每周一次在象牙海岸。

12. Toxic dumping in the ivory Coast, corruption in Kosovo.

译文:象牙海岸的毒物倾泻 科索沃的贪污。

13. More like ivory and ivory!


14. You have to picture Harris striding through the villages of the ivory Coast and here in Ghana.

译文:可以把哈里斯想象成一个在象牙海岸 和加纳各个村庄之间大步行进的人。

15. My friend's got a little club on the ivory Coast.

译文:我朋友在象牙海岸开了家小夜总会 他是好人...。

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