一往无前用英语怎么说 一往无前英语翻译

一往无前用英语怎么说 一往无前英语翻译

一往无前的英语是"  crazy for you",还可以翻译为  Walk the Line,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到40个与一往无前相关的释义和例句。


1.   crazy for you

一往无前翻译为   crazy for you。

The moment she got to know the ropes, there was no stopping her.


2.   Walk the Line

一往无前翻译为   Walk the Line。

And they have kept moving forward despite their fears and despite any challenges that stood in their way.


3. press forward with indomitable will

一往无前翻译为press forward with indomitable will。

I still have different aches and pains but I just push on through.


4.   Walk This Way

一往无前翻译为   Walk This Way。

示例:i can tell by the way you walk that walk
And I can tell by the way you,walk that walk.



1. steppin( 一往无前;街舞少年)

2. steppin'( 一往无前;街舞少年)

3. walk the line( 一往无前;与歌同行;弦途有你)

4. obliviate( 一忘皆空;一忘皆空遗忘咒;一往皆空)

5. nonprefixal(无前缀的)


But I'll be moving on ( 但我仍将一往无前 )

Only indomitable Walk only ( 只有一往无前 )

Not One Step Backwards ( 第二关一往无前 )

Indomitable Chester Style ( 一往无前志士风范 )

drive dash spirit ( 一往无前的气概 )


1. i was doing the same things i always did, all the same titan work, 15-hour days, working straight through the weekends, no regrets, never surrender, a titan never sleeps, a titan never quits, full hearts, clear eyes, yada, whatever.

译文:我一直在重复着同样的工作 一直都是 同样繁重的工作 每天15小时 周末也如此 没有后悔 没有投降 巨人从不休息 从不退出 全心全意 一往无前 这些有的没的。

2. But he really does love her.


3. So greet my mother, go back to the road. Permanently.

译文:见了我妈之后 我就上路 一往无前。

4. i feel like Kim Tan is going to come out of nowhere, when you sit there.

译文:你一往这儿坐下 就让人感觉金叹很快会窜出来似的。

5. And with faith i can go forward


6. i gotta get even, don't i? i owe everybody in town.

译文:情况一定会好转 我对你一往情深。

7. Love is of source unknown, and yet it grows ever deeper...

译文:情不知所起 一往而深。

8. And Marcello keeps moving in his scooter.


9. it's what drove Christianity's relentless expansion.


10. That determination? We all have it. We'll never stop working hard for you.

译文:他那种一往无前的决心 我们都有。

11. And we're huge Ricky fans and he's an incredible goalie, and, you know, he can stop just about anything, but the team wasn't playing as a team.

译文:我们是瑞克的巨饭 丫是一往无前的守门员 他能截停一切 但队不成队。

12. Maybe you feel a certain way about this girl right now, then when you get back home...

译文:虽然现在对她一往情深 可等你回了故乡...。

13. So you went ahead and did it.


14. A young heart ls like a straight arrow


15. You go where Mr. Hoover sends you.

译文:Hoover先生一声令下 一往无前。

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