禅师在英语中的翻译是" Thich Nhat Hanh",还可以翻译为Chan master,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到70个与禅师相关的短语释义和例句。
1. Thich Nhat Hanh
禅师翻译为 Thich Nhat Hanh。
After the child was born it was brought to Hakuin.
2. Chan master
禅师翻译为Chan master。
Way to go on shifting your awareness like a Zen Master.
3. Dogen
禅师翻译为 Dogen。
I am no Zen master... I am not even a Zen Buddhist.
4. Venerable Achaan Chah
禅师翻译为 Venerable Achaan Chah。
示例:A venerable position in this institution.
1. Roshis( 禅师)
2. zenji( 珍基;禅师)
Odes to a Zen Master ( 禅师赞 )
“Ji Verse by Master Wolun” ( 卧轮禅师偈 )
Discussion on Buddhism Between Monks and Guards ( 禅师卫士遇逢因缘 )
Thich Nhat Hanh Ven Thich Nhat Hanh Zen master thich nhat hanh Nhat Hanh ( 一行禅师 )
Chanmyay Sayadaw ( 恰宓禅师 )
Pa-auk Sayadaw Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw ( 帕奥禅师 )
Jotika Sayadaw ( 焦谛卡禅师 )
PHIL JACKSON ( 禅师杰克逊 )
Venerable U Silananda Sayadaw U Silananda ( 喜戒禅师 )
1. But Zen Buddhists practicing throughout China from the 9th to 13th century asked a different question – why do we need an explanation?
译文:但九世纪至十三世纪的 中国古代禅师们 却抱有不同的疑问—— 为何我们需要找出解释呢。
2. walking arm in arm with Andy Young and Rabbi Heschel and maybe Thich Nhat Hanh and some of the other saints assembled, walking across the bridge and going into Selma.
译文:跟安迪和拉比(Andy Young 和Rabbi Heschel)手挽手往前走 也许是一行禅师(Thich Nhat Hanh)和其它的圣徒, 向前走过桥然后去塞尔玛(Selma)。
3. A little over a year ago, i got to help organize a meeting between some of technology's leading designers and Thich Nhat Hanh.
译文:xx年多以前, 我去协助组织一个 由顶级技术设计者和 释一行禅师参加的会议。
4. Hey, we can sleep when we're dead.
译文:Andy McNally 禅师。
5. walking arm in arm with Andy Young and Rabbi Heschel and maybe Thich Nhat Hanh and some of the other saints assembled, walking across the bridge and going into Selma.
译文:跟安迪和拉比(Andy Young 和Rabbi Heschel)手挽手往前走 也许是一行禅师(Thich Nhat Hanh)和其它的圣徒, 向前走过桥然后去塞尔玛(Selma)。
6. So to help practice living with these mysteries, the meditating monks used a collection of roughly 1,700 bewildering and ambiguous philosophical thought experiments called koans.
译文:所以为了让自己习惯 和谜题共存, 禅师们借助了一千七百则 被人称作“公案”的 令人不解、寓意不明的 哲学思想实验。
7. Reverend Ta is my teacher.
8. i'll let everyone know that he's real protegees of Master Chan.
9. But by framing those lessons as illogical anecdotes, they became tests to help practicing monks learn to live with ambiguity and paradox.
译文:但把这些教谕通过 不合逻辑的小故事呈现, 它们就变成了一个个测试, 让禅师们习得与迷惘和矛盾共存的方法。
10. Two monks, Tanzan and Ekido, are traveling together down a muddy road.
译文:坦山禅师与一位僧人出游时, 走过一条泥泞路。
11. His Holiness, Dhyan Rinpochey... has therefore awarded Lama Tashi the precious 'Khenpo' degree... in recognition of his achievement.
译文:因此,神圣的温普利禅师 授予达世喇嘛宝贵的修成业 表扬他的境界。
12. By puzzling through these confusing “cases," meditating monks could both internalize and practice Buddhist teachings.
译文:冥想中的禅师们分析“公案”时, 便能同时内化和实践佛的教诲。
13. For these monks, blindly seeking answers was a vice to overcome, and learning to accept the mysteries of existence was the true path to enlightenment.
译文:对这些禅师们来说,盲目地追寻答案 是一种需要克服的恶习, 而学会接受存在之不可解 才是通往开悟的真正道路。
14. Let see what Ta has taught you.
15. Thich Nhat Hanh is an international spokesperson for mindfulness meditation.
译文:释一行禅师是正念禅修的 国际倡导者。