1. cytosis
The expression of PR: The positive expression of PR is pale brown in cell nucleus.
1. karyoplast(细胞核)
2. karyoplasts(细胞核)
3. mesoplast(细胞核)
4. Nucleos(细胞核)
5. nucleus of cell(细胞核)
1. For this fish, it's actually whole cells with nuclei and membranes.
译文:这些鱼喷出的, 是具有细胞核和细胞膜的完整细胞。
2. And like organisms on Earth, it has what appears to be a nucleus cytoplasm.
译文:如同地球上的有机体,它有一个细胞核 有细胞质.。
3. They penetrated the heart of cells... similar to the mother cell that is shared by all forms of life.
译文:它们渗入细胞核心 类似所有生命形式共有的母细胞。
4. And the cell will actually manufacture the parts that it needs on the fly, from information that's brought from the nucleus by molecules that read the genes.
译文:在空间里,细胞通过利用能读懂基因的分子 从细胞核中带来信息, 从而正确生产出它所需要的部分。
5. We found nuclear mitochondrial genes.
6. Well, the seed inside it is her nucleus that contains her unique DNA.
7. it works like this: You take a brain, or parts of that brain, and you dissolve it in detergent, which destroys the cell membranes but keeps the cell nuclei intact, so you end up with a suspension of free nuclei that looks like this, like a clear soup.
译文:它的工作方式: 你带一个大脑或部分的大脑, 让它溶化在洗涤剂里, 洗涤剂会破坏细胞膜 但保持细胞核不变, 所以你最终会看到细胞核悬浮 看起来像这样, 像一碗清汤。
8. And the cell will actually manufacture the parts that it needs on the fly, from information that's brought from the nucleus by molecules that read the genes.
译文:在空间里,细胞通过利用能读懂基因的分子 从细胞核中带来信息, 从而正确生产出它所需要的部分。
9. Believe it or not, i use those.
10. So, next, you shock it with a little jolt of electricity.
译文:卵母细胞 新的DNA在细胞核里 下一步 用微电量电击。
11. The normal cell, if you looked at it under the microscope, would have a nucleus sitting in the middle of the cell, which is nice and round and smooth in its boundaries and it looks kind of like that.
译文:这个正常的细胞,如果你们在显微镜下看, 会看到细胞中间有细胞核。漂亮的圆形,边缘光滑。它看起来就像这样。
12. And now let's take a look at the nucleus, which houses our genome in the form of DNA.
译文:现在让我们看看细胞核, 其内部以 DNA 的形式 保管着我们的基因组。
13. Maybe we can achieve a higher strength of the membrane.
14. We have our nucleic DNA that everybody thinks of as our DNA, but we also have DNA in our mitochondria, which are the energy packets of the cell.
译文:我们有我们细胞核内的DNA 就是每个人都知道的DNA, 但是我们也有DNA在我们线粒体内, 它是细胞的能量源。
15. But see how much of the protein is still throughout the nucleus, even in the dividing cell.
译文:但是看看有多少蛋白质 仍然贯穿细胞核 甚至是在细胞分裂时。