护士资格证书用英语怎么说 护士资格证书英语翻译

护士资格证书用英语怎么说 护士资格证书英语翻译

护士资格证书通常被翻译为"seaman competency certificate"的意思,其次还可以说成"qualification certificate",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到98个与护士资格证书相关的释义和例句。


1. seaman competency certificate

护士资格证书翻译为seaman competency certificate。

示例:Social Security card, driver's license, birth certificate.
birth certificate.


2. qualification certificate

护士资格证书翻译为qualification certificate。

示例:Allteamspreparefor the qualification/i
所有的球队: 准备参赛资格。


3. iorc

4. professional qualification certificate

护士资格证书翻译为professional qualification certificate。

示例:What are your qualifications'?
你什么Qualification (料子)?



1. qualification certificate([经] 资格证书)

2. professional qualification certificate(职业资格证书)

3. seaman competency certificate( 海员资格证书)

4. qualifying certification(资格证书;合格证书)

5. iorc(国际;资格证书;免试申请)


1. -Water-certified strippers -Really?


2. i suggest taking our National Vocational Qualifications that we offer.

译文:我建议你们去考国家职业资格证书 我们这里有提供考试。

3. Man, oh man. There should be a parenting license.


4. The folks who know the skills about how to teach and engage an audience don't even know what teacher certification means.

译文:那些掌握如何教学并 与观众互动的人 甚至都不知道什么是教师资格证。

5. He got a boyfriend, Andy, a physical trainer who was also studying for his professional pyrotechnic license.

译文:有了男朋友 安迪 一名体能教练 他正在努力考资格证。

6. "receives certificate... of attendance."

译文:"来拿证书... 请出席"。

7. i'll bring in the money until the suspension is lifted.

译文:我会赚钱提供资金的 直到您重新拿到资格证。

8. Two Christian Wolffs own CPA first .

译文:有两个叫Christian Wolff的有会计资格证 Two Christian Wolffs own CPA first .。

9. Do you have a diploma on your wall, tom?

译文:你有心理咨询资格证吗 Tom。

10. i'm getting a sommelier license.


11. So you're not licensed or a nurse.


12. Here's a certificate to prove it.


13. Same thing without all the training, credentials or qualifications.

译文:跟真医生没区别 就是所有资格证都没有。

14. The death certificate instead of the wedding certificate.


15. instead, he talks about renowned sword instructors he can train with, and teaching certifications he can earn to improve his professional prospects back in Kochi.

译文:而是谈到了自己 能有机会师从知名的剑术家, 还可以考取教学资格证书, 让他返回高知时有更好的 职业前景。

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