河北邯郸通常被翻译为"Kahoku"的意思,还经常被译作Hebei province,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到72个与河北邯郸相关的释义和例句。
1. Kahoku
2. Hebei province
河北邯郸翻译为Hebei province。
示例:it varies a bit province to province.
3. placent
4. Kahokugata
1. placent( 令狐翀;河北-邯郸)
2. juglans hopeiensis hu(麻核桃(河北);河北核桃(河北))
3. Kahoku(河北)
4. Kahokugata(河北潟)
5. Hebei province(n. 河北\n 河北省;河北英文介绍;河北省……………………一)
1. Merchants from Shantung and Hebei trade there
译文:山东河北两地的客商 都在快活林做买卖。
2. Seal first, formerly known as Weng Haisheng 16 Years old from Hebei to Hong Kong, new immigrants
译文:封于修原名翁海生 xx岁从河北来了香港,是新移民。
3. North of the river. About a day away from Beacon. Over.
译文:我是伦敦 在河北面 离灯塔有一天的路程。
4. The 407 to Handan? Out this door and to the left.
5. We'd taken Liang already, why don't we go back?
6. Dutch Resistance are hiding 140 men outside a town north of the river.
译文:荷兰抵抗军在河北岸15里 一座沦陷城镇外收容了我们140名兄弟。
7. We must not act like a parrot and lose ourselves by following others.
译文:千万别再走,亦步亦趋 邯郸学步的老套路。
8. "...fighting a difficult battle against the barbarians who live..."
9. Go north to the river, thirty kilometers, east, twelve kilometers, then dig down, seven kilometers.
译文:河北30公里 再向东12公里 然后再下挖7公里。
10. A man in south shore of yellow river falls in love with a miss in the north shore of yellow river
译文:黄河南岸一个男子 爱上黄河北岸的一个姑娘。
11. Bounty hunters from six provinces!
译文:河南、河北、浙江、山西 江苏、湖北六省的捕快。
12. You can bring along your families go to Zhao Nation and plead for forgiveness
译文:然后大王携同家眷 赶到邯郸 向赵王请罪。