一种心灵寄托用英语怎么说 一种心灵寄托英语翻译

一种心灵寄托用英语怎么说 一种心灵寄托英语翻译

一种心灵寄托的英语是"moss hanker",其次还可以说成"psychism",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到17个与一种心灵寄托相关的短语释义和例句。


1. moss hanker

一种心灵寄托翻译为moss hanker。

示例:- Anaugh Moss. - Anaugh Moss?
是安娜摩斯 安娜摩斯?


2. psychism

3. everkahn

4. one kind of

一种心灵寄托翻译为one kind of。

示例:There's only one kind of livin'
#There's only one kind of livin' #



1. one kind of(一种)

2. psychism([医] 心灵论(一种唯心的学说))

3. everkahn(一种帆船)

4. Lithcote(一种涂料)

5. moss hanker(一种鲱鱼)


1. They represent a brotherhood and a faith in justice.

译文:而是一种精神 一种信仰。

2. i followed it straight to her.

译文:一种感觉 或者是一种心灵感应 然后我 -。

3. Love is not a feeling, it's an ability.

译文:爱不是一种感觉 而是一种能力。

4. it's some kind of a... you know, some kind of a drafting ink.

译文:是一种... 一种画图用墨。

5. Howeverthere is another possibility.


6. So you helped a sick woman and a criminal.


7. You do a sort of ceremony in a kind of church?

译文:你做一种仪式 在一种教会。

8. Those who can play as a team and those who won't be on this team!


9. it's a disguise, a cover-up.


10. it's kind of a formality anyway.

译文:这是一种 一种形式而已。

11. But, see, i'm looking for something...

译文:但是,我在找一种寄托... ...。

12. - An illness, like a disease.

译文:- 一种疾病,就像一种疾病。

13. i'll find... a... a way... a g... some good way of letting you know how it all works out.

译文:寻找 一种 一种 或者几种好方法。

14. There's a warmth, a quiet charm.


15. This is both a blessing and a curse.


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