习而不察用英语怎么说 习而不察英语翻译

习而不察用英语怎么说 习而不察英语翻译



1. unware


1. unware(a. 不察觉的, 不知道的)


1. How'd you plant it without her knowing?


2. You might not even notice it if you were falling through it, but ultimately, once you're inside of it, you're doomed.

译文:当你穿过它时, 可能完全不察觉 但一旦进去就万劫不复。

3. i would be lying if i said i didn't realize that there was a definite, you know, energy between us.

译文:我怎会不察觉到... 我们之间... 有点火花。

4. But ironically, you can attend to something without being aware of it.


5. Well, you don't say? i never tasted a thing.


6. Plus, she doesn't even get it. She thinks it's going great.

译文:还有就是 她还不察觉 还以为进展得很好。

7. i've been in this business too long not to smell a setup but we have to be very careful how we handle this and i cannot risk you going AWOL on me again.

译文:我干这行太久了 没办法不察觉出阴谋... ...但我们要小心处理这件事... ...但我不能冒险让你再次被迫亡命。

8. How do i get to you without him knowing?


9. We kept digging, and dummies gave the impression we were in our cell.

译文:我们一直在挖 警卫全不察觉。

10. And that's actually the key design challenge: How do we take all this complexity, all this software, and implement it in a way that the user cannot see it.

译文:这就是设计上的关键: 如何把这么复杂的程序, 在用户毫不察觉下执行工作。

11. You don't even realize when you fall asleep for a second.


12. You sure let a girl sneak up on you.

译文:作为一个突击兵 你可不该让个女孩子 这么偷偷接近你而一点都不察觉。

13. Ruining is the best in the field of normal hypnosis, but you specialize in Waking Hypnosis, you can induct a patient without him knowing.

译文:瑞宁虽然在恍惚催眠领域数一数二 但是你专攻的是清醒催眠 可以在患者毫不察觉的情况下进行治疗。

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