举世闻名用英语怎么说 举世闻名英语翻译

举世闻名用英语怎么说 举世闻名英语翻译

举世闻名的英语是"of world renown",在日常中也可以翻译为"  become known throughout the world",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到12个与举世闻名相关的释义和例句。


1. of world renown

举世闻名翻译为of world renown。

The Great Wall is a world famous tourist destination attracting a large quantity of tourists from home and abroad every year.


2.   become known throughout the world

举世闻名翻译为   become known throughout the world。

His books are world-famous.


3.   be world-famous

举世闻名翻译为   be world-famous。

The runaway success of The Pickwick Papers, as it is generally known today, secured Dickens's fame.


4. be known to all the world

举世闻名翻译为be known to all the world。

示例:All the beauty in the world...
# All the beauty in the world... #



1. worldfamous(adj. 世界闻名的\n 举世闻名的)

2. world famous(adj. 世界闻名的\n 世界知名;举世闻名;世界著名的)

3. known for(以…而闻名)

4. without equal(无敌,举世无双)

5. know no parallel(举世无双,无与伦比)


world-renowned ( 誉满全球举世闻名 )

The world-famous Royal Garden World-famous Imperial Garden ( 举世闻名的皇家园林 )

great wall world-famous Great Wall world ( 长城举世闻名 )

Changing of the Guard ( 举世闻名的卫兵交接 )

be canto ( 举世闻名的美声唱法 )

The World Famous Lily ( 举世闻名百合花 )

bouble car ( 举世闻名的泡泡车 )

world-renowned treasure house of knowledge ( 举世闻名的知识宝库 )


1. They lived in Vienna, the great music capital of the world.


2. it's colossal. it's stupendous.

译文:无与伦比 举世无双。

3. They deserve a thank you, not another one of your world-famous tantrums.

译文:他们应该得到你的感谢 而不是又一次看到你那举世闻名的脾气。

4. His boulder landed on the shore, creating such waves that the sea hasn't been the same since, which is why the Eastern Coast is renowned internationally for surfing.

译文:他把巨石放在岸边 波浪如此之大 海再也无法恢复原状 所以东海岸是举世闻名的冲浪地点。

5. ... withtheever-popularMark.


6. She left us a gift of one of her world-famous rhubarb pies, that she baked through her pain of the last few hours of her life.

译文:她留给我们一件礼物 就是她那举世闻名的大黄派 那是她在生命中最后几个小时 强忍疼痛为我们烘焙的。

7. Anne Frank's diary would become world famous.


8. i soared on grand pianos to the highest spheres.

译文:我以前是举世闻名的 演奏家。

9. And welcome to world-famous SeaWorld, here in San Diago, California.

译文:欢迎光临 举世闻名的海洋世界 在加州圣地牙哥。

10. i've never heard of a tat ring. Thomas aristotle thomas?

译文:Thomas Eric Stato Thomas 他可是举世闻名的珠宝设计师。

11. Of course, that behind me... the world-famous Whippersnapper.


12. Dr. Gramm is a world known expert in forensic psychiatry.


13. Ric is world famous for his work with dolphins.


14. Enjoy our ever-popular, world famous cavity search.

译文:享受越来越受流行 举世闻名的体腔搜查。

15. World-famous artistes performing death-defyin' feats of dexterity and skill before your very eyes.

译文:举世闻名的杂技演员 为你表演精彩绝伦的节目。

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