为鬼为蜮用英语怎么说 为鬼为蜮英语翻译

为鬼为蜮用英语怎么说 为鬼为蜮英语翻译

为鬼为蜮的英语为"injure others in secret",还网络中常译为"sinister and vicious to hurt people in secret like the evil spirits",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到65个与为鬼为蜮相关的短语释义和例句。


1. injure others in secret

为鬼为蜮翻译为injure others in secret。

示例:To stop rather than injure injure rather than maim
宁阻止而不伤害 宁伤害而不重创


2. sinister and vicious to hurt people in secret like the evil spirits

为鬼为蜮翻译为sinister and vicious to hurt people in secret like the evil spirits。

示例:Evil people, evil spirits. i change into...
邪恶的人、灵魂 我就会变成...


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