无厘头用英语怎么说 无厘头的英语翻译

无厘头用英语怎么说 无厘头的英语翻译

无厘头在英语中的翻译是"  wulitou culture",还网络中常译为"  Nonsense",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到26个与无厘头相关的翻译和例句。


1.   wulitou culture

无厘头翻译为   wulitou culture。

Her fey charm and eccentric ways were legendary.


2.   Nonsense

无厘头翻译为   Nonsense。

The fatal question is: What do you mean by Wulitou?


3. reasonless


Wulitou-a cultural phenomenon for trendy youth.


4. rascal -

无厘头翻译为 rascal -。

示例:Here they are with "black and
我觉得Justin Rivers和Rascal Flatts



Gratuitous Space Battles ( 无厘头太空战役 )

Terriers ( 无厘头侦探 )

Gratuitous Space Battles ( 无厘头太空战争 )

Gratuitous Tank Battles ( 无厘头坦克大战 )

Terriers ( 无厘头警探 )

Clueless Gamer ( 无厘头玩家 )

Silent Seven ( 无厘头版 )


1. You are the strangest boy i have ever met.


2. i had to take it to a ridiculous conclusion.

译文:我得让它发展到一个 超级无厘头的结局。

3. "brought here for no conceivable reason."


4. What i mean, Mike, even though i always knew that


5. At first glance, it's pointless the actions are on a small scale and the ending is forced but then again, what concussions will you draw from it?

译文:只是一个无意义的故事 和一次不值一提的意外行动 在这个无厘头的结局里 你会发现什么呢 下一话。

6. Pinkie Pie, you are so random!

译文:萍琪... ... 你真无厘头。

7. it's so special. - So special. - Thank you.

译文:但是说真的 你这样生气是不是有点无厘头。

8. in fact, we had a Porsche driver who came in and told us on the first day, "This is completely stupid. What are we thinking?"

译文:事实上,在第一天 有一个保时捷驾驶员进来跟我们说, “这实在是太无厘头了。你们到底怎么想的?”。

9. Eventhough it is a little anachronistic


10. i'm afraid if i apologize then, it will hardly make sense.

译文:恐怕到时再转达歉意 就太无厘头了。

11. So, it has to end with this -- -- gratuitous violence.

译文:所以,它的结局是 -- 无厘头的暴力。

12. So, it has to end with this -- (Laughter) -- gratuitous violence.

译文:所以,它的结局是 -- (笑声) 无厘头的暴力。

13. i know this sounds a little Dumb and Dumber, but i invited him over to your house for Yom Kippur.

译文:我知道有点无厘头 但我邀请他来你家过赎罪日了。

14. Come now, Mohinder. Let stop this nonsense.

译文:莫辛德,走吧 别再无厘头了。

15. Yeah, i know it sounds crazy, but, yeah.

译文:我知道这听起来很无厘头 但 是的 - 它说了什么。

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