托物寓兴用英语怎么说 托物寓兴英语翻译

托物寓兴用英语怎么说 托物寓兴英语翻译

托物寓兴的英语为"express one's feelings through the thing one describes or paints",还网络中常译为"find spiritual sustenance in sth.",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到51个与托物寓兴相关的短语释义和例句。


1. express one's feelings through the thing one describes or paints

托物寓兴翻译为express one's feelings through the thing one describes or paints。

示例:Well, there's only one thing to say
Well, there's only one thing to say


2. find spiritual sustenance in sth.

托物寓兴翻译为find spiritual sustenance in sth.。

示例:What then, provides you with spiritual sustenance?


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