手抄报用英语怎么说 手抄报的英语翻译

手抄报用英语怎么说 手抄报的英语翻译

手抄报的英语是"  reception by hand",在日常中也可以翻译为"radio message reception by hand",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到73个与手抄报相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   reception by hand

手抄报翻译为   reception by hand。

In summer vacation, I made two of his hand out the newspaper, a pair of is about reading, and a pair of is environmental protection, at first I is bigotry, over.


2. radio message reception by hand

手抄报翻译为radio message reception by hand。

They learnt "the Ant and the Grasshopper" story during the class and they made this good work.


3.   Hand-copied

手抄报翻译为   Hand-copied。

Then I do the second Shouchao Bao, was also praised, and I jumped with joy.


4.   English handcopied paper

手抄报翻译为   English handcopied paper。

示例:A foreign film, in English
in English



1. manual telegraphy(手抄电报)

2. codex(手抄本 )

3. handsheet(手抄纸页)

4. hand net(un. 抄纲\n 手抄网)

5. Dresden Codex( 德累斯顿法典;德累斯顿手抄本;德累斯顿典籍)


The Spring Festival ( 手抄报资料 )

English hand copied English manual ( 英文手抄报 )

Hand-copied Western culture Western culture manual ( 西方文化手抄报 )


1. The lunatics were bringing their manuscripts in folders till now


2. And imagine copying that by hand.


3. Okay, Mondays, the new manuscripts come in.

译文:星期一 新手抄本入库。

4. And imagine copying that by hand.


5. Remind Jocelyn i need to see those satchels that Marc is doing in the pony.

译文:提醒约瑟琳 我要看看 马克在手抄里画的背包。

6. i brought you a hard copy.


7. They made me copy out a chapter about poisonous plants by hand while i sat in the nurse's office.

译文:我待在医务室的时候 他们逼着我 They made me copy out a chapter about poisonous plants 手抄了一整章有关有毒植物的文章 by hand while I sat in the nurse's office.。

8. Now Codex C was only discovered in 1906, and it landed on my desk in Baltimore on the 19th of January, 1999.

译文:典籍《C》的手抄本直到xx年才刚刚被发现, xx年xx月xx日,他被送到巴尔的摩的, 我的办公桌上。

9. -...and here is the transcript. -Yes.


10. Hand typed from a word processor?

译文:这是手抄本吗 不错 而且还是不齐全。

11. Well, an original, illuminated, 6th century transcript... of the Pentateuchal books of the Bible is bound to generate a lot of buzz.

译文:公元xx年摩西五经的原版手抄本 这可是难得的机会啊 肯定要引起轰动的。

12. And you're working away until late at night, and you're very, very careful, and you're drinking coffee and you're paying attention, but, occasionally, when you're copying this by hand, you're going to make a little typo, a spelling mistake -- substitute an i for an E, or a C for a T.

译文:直到深夜, 你非常非常小心,喝咖啡保持清醒, 你注意力高度集中,但是时不时地, 当你手抄的时候, 还是会出错 — 抄错字母。本来是 I 写成了 E,本来是 C 写成了 T。

13. left to right, rare manuscripts: right to left.


14. They survive because medieval scribes copied them and copied them and copied them.

译文:他们能流传至今,是因为 中世纪的不间断的手抄作业。

15. Now, remain behind when the others go, so that you can work at your leisure and without fear of being overlooked.

译文:等到其他人都离开之后 你就可以从容不迫地动手抄写 而无须担心被人偷看。

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