水到渠成用英语怎么说 水到渠成英语翻译

水到渠成用英语怎么说 水到渠成英语翻译

水到渠成通常被翻译为"  Ripe"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"  an act of following the natural course",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到78个与水到渠成相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Ripe

水到渠成翻译为   Ripe。

When you start traveling things seem to just fall into place.


2.   an act of following the natural course

水到渠成翻译为   an act of following the natural course。

They are not talking with you now! I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow.


3.   Matter Of Time

水到渠成翻译为   Matter Of Time。

If you can just get under way with any part of a project, then the rest will tend to follow.


4. What happens is without extra effort

水到渠成翻译为What happens is without extra effort。

示例:i leave you alone for a couple weeks, and this is what happens?
and this is what happens?



1. matter of time( 水到渠成;回事时间;时间的问题)


boot sucess beep ( 启动易水到渠成响声 )

Reading Appreciation ( 多方映衬水到渠成 )


1. When you live off the land and you're honest, things fall into place!

译文:当你生活过的土地 和你说实话, 事情水到渠成。

2. Everything will fall into place it's time to call for a new CPPCC

译文:水到渠成 召开新政协这件大事。

3. Everything will fall into place once you commit to her.

译文:一旦你忠于她 一切都会水到渠成。

4. Once they feel that, things will settle on their own.


5. You'll see, when you least expect it, things will fall into place quite naturally.


6. it's perfect. No surprises.

译文:感觉非常好 水到渠成。

7. in the same way in which ethnic conflict and civil war are not natural but man-made disasters, their prevention and settlement does not happen automatically either.

译文:无论是种族冲突还是内战 不是天灾 而是人祸 组织与解决纷争 不会如同天灾结束一般水到渠成。

8. if i take care of five of those guys, the rest will fall into place.

译文:我只要干掉那五个 其他的自然会水到渠成。

9. Somehow you know when the time is right.


10. if we work with those, if we change those companies and the way they do business, then the rest will happen automatically.

译文:如果与这些公司合作,如果我们可以改变这些公司 和他们的经营方式, 剩下的就水到渠成。

11. sometimes they happen by accident...

译文:有些改变 亦是水到渠成。

12. - All right, Ton'! Once he came on board, the whole thing fell together.


13. Hey, it's all coming together. Just taking a little time.


14. if indeed there was a mystery, let it reach a ripe age.


15. To put it very simply, the assumption so far has been that if you give people enough connectivity, if you give them enough devices, democracy will inevitably follow.

译文:换言之, 现今为止的讨论都假设说 如果人们有了足够的连通性, 有了足够的器具, 那么民主政治将是水到渠成、自然而然。

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