1. Aguadilla
2. Chemulpo
3. seaside city
上海城市地图翻译为seaside city。
示例:By the seaside By the beautiful sea
在海角天边 在美丽的海边!
4. seatown
1. seaside city( 海滨城市;滨海城市;海港城市)
2. Chemulpo(仁川 韩国西北部滨海城市 的旧称)
3. Aguadilla(阿瓜迪亚 波多黎各西北部沿海城市)
4. nonmetropolitan( 非城市地区)
5. seatown(un. 滨海城市\n 海城企业;海镇控股国际;莱姆里吉斯西部的海镇)
1. it looked as if the B-29s alone might defeat Japan.
译文:李梅现在一座接一座城市地攻击 看来似乎只用B。
2. The surprise of Bilbao was in its context to the city.
3. Now, to quickly give you all a sense of a scale, because i know that sounds like a big number, but i don't think you quite understand until you look at the city map.
译文:大家或许对这种规模没有概念, 因为我知道,这听起来是一个巨大的数字, 但大家只有看了城市地图才能真正明白它的含义。
4. Lions normally do not hunt on farmland, but the loss of their habitat force them occasionally to raid villages for domestic animals.
译文:收缩 天然狩猎场 - - 强制狮子 在城市地区攻击家畜。
5. Lyn Gardner in The Guardian has written that a great festival can show us a map of the world, a map of the city and a map of ourselves, but there is no one fixed festival model.
译文:卫报的林.加得纳写道 一个伟大的艺术节向我们展示出一幅世界地图 一幅城市地图,一幅我们自己的画像 然而并不存在一个固定的艺术节模式。
6. They were cutting it up at the shore.
译文:马上就会分割了卖 在沿海城市才有鲨鱼肉卖啊。
7. i'm on the city Metro network.
8. She was looking to find an original map of the city.
9. These tunnels exist under the entire city.
译文:这些隧道布满整个城市地下 These tunnels exist under the entire city.。
10. Every coastal city, every island, gone.
译文:每座滨海城市 Every coastal city, 每座岛屿 every island, 都灭顶了 gone.。
11. Most of the population growth of the next 50 years will be in cities.
译文:未来xx年,大部分的人口增长 都会在城市地区。
12. There must be 20 miles of tunnels beneath the city.
13. in December of 2010, the city of Apatzingan in the coastal state of Michoacan, in Mexico, awoke to gunfire.
译文:xx年xx月的一天 墨西哥米却肯州沿海城市 阿帕兹甘市的人们 被枪炮声惊醒。
14. a climate that will drown our coastal cities and wreak havoc on the environment and our ability to feed ourselves.
译文:那种气候下 我们的沿海城市会被淹没 a climate that will drown our coastal cities and wreak havoc 严重破坏我们的坏境和影响我们的食物 on the environment and our ability to feed ourselves.。
15. This is where the government literally created maps to tell bankers where they shouldn't lend.
译文:这是当时的政府设计的城市地图, 告诉银行哪些地方不该放贷。