五怖畏用英语怎么说 五怖畏的英语翻译

五怖畏用英语怎么说 五怖畏的英语翻译



1. dinopsyllus

2. Sapecron

3. Mediben

4. Bhairava


1. Bhairava(怖畏 陪胪)

2. dinopsyllus(怖蚤属)

3. Mediben(麦草畏)

4. Sapecron(毒虫畏)

5. Supona(毒虫畏)


1. America, when we have a challenge, we take it head on, we don't shrink away from it.

译文:在美国,当我们面临挑战, 我们要迎难而上,而不是畏首畏脚。

2. Okay,you want to be unforgettable? You want to not be mousy?

译文:你想令人难忘 不想再畏畏缩缩的。

3. i wasn't asking for your opinion.

译文:螖蔚谓 味萎蟿畏蟽伪 蟿畏 纬谓蠋渭畏 蟽慰?.。

4. i'm rerouting the detonation processor.

译文:螤伪蚁伪魏维渭蟺蟿蝇 蟿畏谓 蟺?蚁慰未蠈蟿畏蟽畏.。

5. - Chauffeur - He's lily-livered

译文:司机而已 畏畏缩缩。

6. i have activated the device, Captain. When the countdown is complete, the reaction should render the volcano inert.

译文:螠蔚蟿维 蟿畏谓 伪谓蟿委蟽蟿蚁慰蚃畏 渭苇蟿蚁畏蟽畏 蟿慰 畏蚃伪委蟽蟿蔚喂慰 胃伪 伪未蚁伪谓慰蟺慰喂畏胃蔚委.。

7. it's horrible, is it a hand?


8. i can't stand heights, me.


9. Don't know it, so be bold!


10. i just got a call from upstairs... that we can expect an announcement just about now.

译文:我刚接到上头的电话... 很快就会宣怖事情。

11. Of course i like it, i decorated it. But i'm a little confused.

译文:我当然喜欢,这是我的怖置 但我有点搞不懂。

12. By freeing ourselves from love, we get away from sadness and terror.

译文:若离于爱者 无忧亦无怖。

13. They think he may be headed for Metropolis. These "Wanted" posters go up in two days.


14. The trap is set, locked and ready to spring.

译文:陷阱已经怖下 随时准备一触即发。

15. We'll put that up on billboards all over the city.


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