别国用英语怎么说 别国的英语翻译

别国用英语怎么说 别国的英语翻译

别国的英语翻译是"other country",其次还可以说成"  other countries",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到28个与别国相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. other country

别国翻译为other country。

As the world's food security falls to pieces, individual countries acting in their own self-interest are actually worsening the troubles of many.


2.   other countries

别国翻译为   other countries。

The president visits other countries by plane.



1. particular international convention(特别国际公约)

2. flag out((船东)出于方便而以悬挂别国国旗给船舶注册,(船东在别国)以方便旗的名义给船舶注册)

3. passive commerce(间接贸易(出口产品由别国船只代运))

4. false colours([复数];(舰船为了欺骗而悬挂的)别国的国旗,伪旗;披着伪装行骗,冒充)

5. flag of convenience(方便旗(指商船为逃避税收而向别国注册并挂该国旗帜))


interference in others' internal affairs ( 干涉别国内政 )

non-interference in other's internal affairs ( 不干涉别国内政 )

the high level international conference on large scale natural disasters ( 大规模自然灾害高级别国际会议 )

Sentiment ( 别国情调 )

urge other countries to help ( 催促别国来帮忙 )

How Germans See Others ( 德国人如何看待别国人 )

national plans of implementation Country-based Programme ( 国别方案 )


1. You talking about fleeing?


2. i'd ask you to remember that the soldiers standing in front of you... represent many different nationalities...


3. We should not treat other nations as we would not wish to be treated ourselves.


4. And i think one of the problems of recession is that people become more protectionist, they look in on themselves, they try to protect their own nation, perhaps at the expense of other nations.

译文:经济衰退带来的问题之一 是人们更倾向保护主义 他们只看着自己 要看好自己的家门 也许代价就是别国的利益。

5. But once you interfere in other countries' internal squabbles, you're on a very slippery slope.

译文:但别忘了 But don`t foget. 一旦您干预别国内部争端 Once you interfere in other countries' internal squabbles, 您就岌岌可危了 you're on a very slippery slope.。

6. Because if no other government knew the spectrum existed, They wouldn't be listening in.

译文:因为如果别国政府都不知道这个频谱存在 他们就不会监听。

7. Dynastic pawns don't fall in love.


8. Learn something about other cultures.

译文:领略下别国文化 长长见识。

9. You know what the Algerians are like about anybody operating inside their borders.

译文:你也清楚阿政府对于别国在其境内的 秘密行动的态度。

10. Mo ibrahim said at a debate we were at that he dreams one day when Africa will be giving aid.

译文:莫爱布雷因在一次讨论会上说-- 他梦想着有一天非洲能够援助别国。

11. The anger of entire cities, whether they like it or not, against the principle of inequality advanced by one people against another.

译文:各座城市的居民 不管他们同不同意 原则上都是冲着某些国家的人 欺凌别国人的不平等行径在发怒。

12. That's not the purpose at all.


13. i don't get to vote on foreign policy!


14. Europe will insist on disarmament, leaving every border undefended for you to walk across at will.

译文:欧洲就会实施片面限武裁军 使别国国境毫无防御措施 让你的军队如入无人之境。

15. ...unlike that of the Soviets... since the end of World War ii, demonstrates that we have no desire to dominate or conquer any other nation.

译文:大战结束以来,苏联千方百计侵占 别国国土我国则无此野心.。

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