得重感冒用英语怎么说 得重感冒英语翻译

得重感冒用英语怎么说 得重感冒英语翻译

得重感冒在英语中的翻译是"  A serious influenza",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到56个与得重感冒相关的释义和例句。


1.   A serious influenza

得重感冒翻译为   A serious influenza。

Thus this is the reason why I caught a bad cold.



1. take one's death([口语](因受冷)得致命的感冒,患重感冒;得重伤风)

2. Dimetapp( 感冒和过敏;得敏脱)

3. endemious( 感冒)

4. exesions( 感冒)

5. flukeworms( 感冒)


contac scf ( 康得重感冒配方 )

my liability to bad colds ( 我容易得重感冒 )

got a bad cold catch a bad cold ( 得了重感冒 )

I've got a bad cold I had a bad cold Me cold ( 我得了重感冒 )

He found serious influenza He got a bad cold ( 他得了重感冒 )

Today's microphone was serious influenza ( 今天麦克得了重感冒 )

Today he found serious influenza ( 今天他得了重感冒 )

Heard you cold ( 听说你得了重感冒 )


1. i think Jack caught a bad cold.


2. 15 years ago, in a town called Two Rivers, Wisconsin, a 9-year-old, Hunter Cunningham, was admitted to the hospital with severe flu-like symptoms.

译文:xx岁的Hunter Cunningham 因重感冒症状住院。

3. You cannot move about with a cold like this.


4. [nasalized] "i'm afraid i have a nasty cold in my nose."

译文:[鼻音化] "我恐怕得了重感冒"。

5. i have a cold. Just a bit of a cold.


6. George saved his brother's life that day, but he caught a bad cold which infected his left ear.

译文:那天,乔治救了他弟弟一命 但他因此而患上重感冒 感染了左耳。

7. - And Julia Pottage has a dreadful cold, so don't ring the bell.

译文:-还有 Julia Pottage 得了重感冒, 所以别去打扰她。

8. Glory can't make it. She's got a bad flu.


9. it's sinusitis lf l Can't find an Aspirin, i'll faint.

译文:重感冒 找不到阿斯匹林会晕过去的。

10. What's wrong? Did you get cold?

译文:感冒了 感冒了。

11. [gasps] he had the most dreadful cold.

译文:那场面恐怖得就象见鬼了 他得了很厉害的重感冒。

12. Anyway, it's not half as bad as double pneumonia, right?

译文:总比"重感冒加肺炎"好些, 不是嘛。

13. We really could think of flu, then, as just a bad cold.

译文:实际上,我们认为这样流感 就仅仅是一次重感冒。

14. We really could think of flu, then, as just a bad cold.

译文:实际上,我们认为这样流感 就仅仅是一次重感冒。

15. An enemy pilot with a bad cold.


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