难言用英语怎么说 难言的英语翻译

难言用英语怎么说 难言的英语翻译

难言的英语可以这样说:feel embarrassed to mention,还经常被译作  Unspeakable,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到31个与难言相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. feel embarrassed to mention

难言翻译为feel embarrassed to mention。

Why should not the guilty ones sooner avail themselves of this unutterable solace?


2.   Unspeakable

难言翻译为   Unspeakable。

The gloom about jobs is overdone, but the outlook remains tenuous



secret sorrow Too awkward a skeleton in the closet The Guilty Secret ( 难言之隐 )

Es ist mir worden alt ( 旧舍难言凄凉 )

How Can I Tell Her More Than I Can Say Words Get In The Way Golden silence ( 有口难言 )

Suffering statement ( 有苦难言 )

Maternal Love Unspeakable ( 母爱难言 )

too embarrassing to mention ( 隐秘难言 )

Bitter Unspeakable ( 苦涩难言 )

a skeleton in the closet ( 家丑 难言之隐 )

Think Creative ( 从有口难言到辩才无碍 )


1. He has some sensitive issues.


2. Don't you think i noticed there's a gag in the woman's mouth?


3. And he keeps the drapes drawn as if he's hiding something.

译文:他不断拉窗帘 好像他的难言之隐。

4. What is it hard to tell you?


5. i think deep down, we're all capable of unspeakable things.

译文:我认为 内心深处 人人都有难言之欲。

6. i think Alan Turing's hiding something.

译文:我认为阿兰·图灵的 难言之隐。

7. He's hiding something, and the TC Group wants to know what that is.

译文:他有难言之隐, 和TC集团想知道那是什么。

8. Sorry to bother you. i'm Rhya, i'm a little embarrassed.

译文:我叫蕾雅 我有个难言之隐。

9. it was due to personal reasons.


10. Which makes me think that you're hiding something.

译文:这让我想起 那你有难言之隐。

11. Snowy (Reminder: New Year's Eve Party)

译文:小雪 (我开口难言)。

12. Deep in your heart, you have a secret.


13. if you're saying all this because you don't want to tell me the truth, because you're hiding something from me, then maybe i can understand.

译文:如果你有难言之隐 想对我隐瞒 我可以理解。

14. Seemed like a human one, but it's hard to tell.

译文:和正常人类有点相似的感情 但很难言说。

15. i'm pleased that you were ashamed too.


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