上海话剧艺术中心的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 SDAC,还网络中常译为" Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到94个与上海话剧艺术中心相关的释义和例句。
上海话剧艺术中心翻译为 SDAC。
Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre merged with Shanghai People's Art Theatre and Shanghai Youth Repertory Theatre built in 1995.
2. Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center
上海话剧艺术中心翻译为 Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center。
The most important reason of such great change is that the system reform since 1995.
1. moma.org( 现代艺术中心)
2. mncars( 索非亚王后艺术中心)
3. performing arts center(表演艺术中心)
4. performing arts centers(表演艺术中心)
5. dramatic art(戏剧艺术)
1. And they started to have a life of their own and got bigger -- as the one glass at the Walker.
译文:结果它们逐渐演化, 越搞越大 就象Walker艺术中心里的那个玻璃鱼雕塑。
2. Here's a scale comparison to the Centre Pompidou in Paris.
译文:这个是它与法国巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心的 比例对照图。
3. And i made the object on the left for my show at the Walker.
译文:我做了左边这个东西,放到我在Walker 艺术中心的展览上。
4. This is the AT&T Performing Arts Center's Dee and Charles Wyly Theater.
译文:这是AT&T表演艺术中心的 迪和查尔斯·威利剧院。
5. How about some Shanghainese.
6. We could become the summer art center of New York.
译文:我们可以成为 纽约夏季艺术中心。
7. This type is interested in art.
8. A graduate of the Copacabana School of Dramatic Art.
译文:毕业于 科帕卡巴纳戏剧艺术学校。
9. At the other end of the spectrum you've got tragedy and tragic art, and i suppose i'm arguing that we should learn a little bit about what's happening in tragic art.
译文:另一个极端便是悲剧和悲剧艺术 我想说的是或许我们该从 悲剧艺术中学习。
10. Yes. London Academy of Dramatic Arts.
译文:是的 伦敦戏剧艺术学院。
11. And i made the object on the left for my show at the Walker.
译文:我做了左边这个东西,放到我在Walker 艺术中心的展览上。
12. i have the good fortune of being a filmmaker-in-residence at the Center of Digital imaging Arts at Boston University.
译文:凑巧的我是在波士顿大学数码影像艺术中心 做驻中心的制片人。
13. And so he left his throne and headed south in penance to the mountain of Shravanabelgola, where, in the myth, the ancient King Bahubali had also renounced his kingdom for moksha, salvation.
译文:来自注辇世界的景象 这里是Tiruvengadu,罗茶罗乍时期的艺术中心。
14. We have to catch up the plane!
15. it's my third exhibition since i've graduated from art center.