陪聊用英语怎么说 陪聊的英语翻译

陪聊用英语怎么说 陪聊的英语翻译

陪聊在英语中的翻译是"chatting service",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到36个与陪聊相关的翻译和例句。


1. chatting service

陪聊翻译为chatting service。

示例:-Will it go in the service record?
-Will it go in the service record?



chat with me I chat Accompanies me chat about mind ( 陪我聊天 )

Accompany the beat for chat accompany older people chat Accompany old people chatting ( 陪老人们聊天 )

chat with sb ( 陪老人聊天 )

Thank you got me ( 谢谢你陪我聊 )

No one with me chat ( 没人陪我聊天 )

Accompany their parents to chat Accompanying parent chat Parents accompany chat ( 陪父母聊天 )

Home computer chat with you On a home computer chatting with you ( 在家用电脑陪你聊天啊 )

It was my chat Did anyone chat with me Someone you chat with me ( 有人陪我聊天吗 )

who accompanied her chat ( 陪妈妈聊天 )


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