居住环境舒适用英语怎么说 居住环境舒适英语翻译

居住环境舒适用英语怎么说 居住环境舒适英语翻译

居住环境舒适的英语为"living condition",还经常被译作gemuetlichkeit,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到54个与居住环境舒适相关的短语释义和例句。


1. living condition

居住环境舒适翻译为living condition。

示例:The living condition is better here.


2. gemuetlichkeit

3. amenity


示例:"No loss of amenity", it says.
写着"毫无隐患" 不 大臣 "No loss of amenity", it says.


4. inhabited environment

居住环境舒适翻译为inhabited environment。

示例:Your career is starring And you're worthress, Arec Barrwin
Pranet Gyron is inhabited With Zypods rike me



1. dwelling environment(居住环境)

2. inhabited environment(居住[栖居]环境)

3. living condition([法] 生活状况, 居住环境)

4. gemuetlichkeit( 舒适雅趣;舒适;感到舒适)

5. amenity(舒适 )


1. And in such pretty accommodations.


2. And i think the view's quite nice too.


3. They're really meant to be designed for the neighborhood in which they reside and the community which they serve.

译文:这意味着为居住的环境 及服务的社区进行设计。

4. We wanted to make the environment warm and comforting.


5. Good environment for children.


6. - Your living environment...

译文:- 你的居住环境...。

7. People need comfort, double sofas and couches.

译文:客人需要舒适的环境, 这里需要沙发还有长椅,情人椅。

8. i'm gonna be able to afford much more comfortable surroundings than this.


9. When we visit Sea World, we tend to take advantage of the fact that Shamu has been provided with a safe and comfortable habitat.

译文:在我们游览海洋世界的时候 我们给虎鲸提供了一个安全舒适的居住环境。

10. They've been in safer, more comfortable work environments, and, of course, they've paid more.

译文:工作环境更为安全舒适, 挣得自然也更多。

11. How about this -- "God designed this planet's environment just so we could live in it."


12. Why cannot there be a place for me to work that's safe and comfortable?

译文:为什么我就不能有个 安全舒适的工作环境呢。

13. Thirdly it must provide a comfortable and safe environment, so that men will be confident.

译文:第三,它一定要提供 一个舒适安全的居住环境 那个男人才会充满自信。

14. inmates shall feel well and clean, understand?

译文:犯人需要的是舒适干净的环境,懂吗? Inmates shall feel well and clean, understand。

15. i did some work there... in preserving the natural habitat of the native orangutan.

译文:土猩猩自然居住环境 待过那里。

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