演奏乐器用英语怎么说 演奏乐器英语翻译

演奏乐器用英语怎么说 演奏乐器英语翻译

演奏乐器的英语翻译是"play a musical instrument",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Vocals",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到18个与演奏乐器相关的短语释义和例句。


1. play a musical instrument

演奏乐器翻译为play a musical instrument。

Most pupils learn (to play) a musical instrument.


2.   Vocals

演奏乐器翻译为   Vocals。

A musician is a person who plays an instrument or writes songs.


3.   play an instrument

演奏乐器翻译为   play an instrument。

Is he learning an instrument?


4.   playamusicalinstrument


1. play an instrument(演奏乐器)

2. solo instrument(独奏乐器)

3. guira( 节奏乐器)

4. instrumental amusia([医] 奏乐器不能)

5. rhythm section(n. 节奏乐器组)


Daisy Plays an Instrument ( 黛思演奏乐器 )

learning to play an instrument ( 学习演奏乐器 )

Will play a musical instrument Playing musical instruments ( 会演奏乐器 )

instrumentalist player of a musical instrument ( 乐器演奏者 )

Best Rock Instrumental Performance Jeff Beck Hammerhaed Plan B Jeff Beck Rock Instrumental Performa( 最佳摇滚乐器演奏 )

Marty Stuart Hummingbyrd Bryan Sutton & Doc Watson Whiskey Before Breakfast Cluck Old Hen Alison Kr( 最佳乡村乐器演奏 )

Best Pop Instrumental Album Larry Carlton & Tak Matsumoto Take Your Pick Beastie Boys ( 最佳流行乐器演奏专辑 )

Best Pop Instrumental Performance Marwa Blues George Harrison ( 最佳流行乐器演奏 )


1. We grew up playing a bunch of, we played by ear and i think that's important for us because we were not really exposed to a lot of different styles of music.

译文:(笑声)我们从小就演奏乐器, 即兴演奏,我认为 这对于我们来说非常重要 因为我们没有接触过多的 其它风格的音乐。

2. Beechwood gets five points if he wins... which, you know, he will because he plays an instrument.

译文:而且他会赢 因为他会演奏乐器。

3. Why not play an instrument that works with the power off?

译文:为什么不演奏乐器 带电源的工作原理。

4. From the minute a child's taught how to play an instrument, he's no longer poor.

译文:从孩子学习演奏乐器的那一刻开始, 他就不再贫穷。

5. [ String instruments playing mid-tempo classical music ]

译文:[弦乐器演奏 中间拍子古典音乐]。

6. From the minute a child's taught how to play an instrument, he's no longer poor.

译文:从孩子学习演奏乐器的那一刻开始, 他就不再贫穷。

7. i don't know how you find the time to raise kids and teach. Oh, i'm not a teacher.

译文:他还是会演奏乐器 只是没人想听。

8. i don't recall her playing an instrument or being able to sing.


9. Clarence: i would rather be able to play an instrument again than walk.

译文:(音乐) 克拉伦斯:在能够演奏和能够走路之间 我宁愿选择能演奏乐器。

10. Which instrument do you play?


11. Playing an instrument isn't a job?

译文:为什么? 你认为演奏乐器不是工作。

12. (Music) Clarence: i would rather be able to play an instrument again than walk.

译文:(音乐) 克拉伦斯:在能够演奏和能够走路之间 我宁愿选择能演奏乐器。

13. Est-ce que vous savez jouer d'un instrument de musique?

译文:(法语)你会演奏乐器吗? Est -ce que vous savez jouer d'un instrument de musique。

14. He might not have been an instrument player.

译文:他可能不是聪明 演奏乐器。

15. - You don't play an instrument. i can sing.


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