默然的英语是" silence love",还经常被译作 Forever and forever,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到88个与默然相关的短语释义和例句。
1. silence love
默然翻译为 silence love。
We watched in awed silence.
2. Forever and forever
默然翻译为 Forever and forever。
We sat there in dumb silence.
3. speechless
And even if the heaven seem brass, without a sound?
4. Quietly in love
默然翻译为 Quietly in love。
示例:Okay, boys, ready to go quietly?
ready to go quietly?
1. whisht(a. 无声的, 默然的\nint. 静)
2. whishts(adj. 默然的;无声的\nint. 静)
3. acquiesced(默然接受 默认 的过去式和过去分词)
4. howlong(conj. 多长时间\n 多久;默然挥手;后浪)
The Quiet silence Keep silent Taciturnity ( 默然沉静 )
The Sound Of Silence ( 默然之声 )
Muran Li ( 李默然 )
penelope penny ( 默然沉静的编织者 )
the sound of silence ( 默然沉静之声 )
Silent Love and Silence Love ( 默然相爱 )
He walked right passed ( 他默然走过 )
Obscurus ( 默默然 )
1. There is no Obscurial in America.
2. This is perhaps best exemplified in Hamlet’s most famous declaration of angst: "To be or not to be—that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And, by opposing, end them."
译文:也许,最经典的例子就是 哈姆雷特最著名的那段忧虑的宣言: “生存还是毁灭—— 这是一个值得考虑的问题: 是默然忍受 命运的暴虐的毒箭, 或是挺身反抗人世间的无涯的苦难, 通过斗争把它扫清,哪一种更高贵?”。
3. is that it? That's the Obscurial thing?
译文:天哪 那就是叫默然师的东西。
4. Can someone please tell me what this Obscurial, Obscurius thing is, please?
译文:劳驾谁能告诉我一下这个 默然兽 默然兽是什么东西。
5. The Obscurial was killed on my orders, Mr. Graves.
译文:杀死默然师 是我授意的 格雷维斯先生。
6. We need more men with the guts, with the courage, with the strength, with the moral integrity to break our complicit silence and challenge each other and stand with women and not against them.
译文:我们需要有勇气的男人, 有胆量,有能力,有道德的 去破解这些沉默然后挑战他们。然后和女人站在同一阵线,不是对抗她们。
7. To let them rest, unexpressed
8. That's more powerful than any Obscurial i've ever heard of.
9. Three hundred years have come and gone and still the gods remain silent in the heavens.
译文:三百个年头 过去了 而众神依然在天空之上 默然不语。
10. You brought this Obscurus into the City of New York in the hope of causing mass disruption, breaking the Statute of Secrecy and revealing the magical world.
译文:你把这个默然兽带到纽约市 就是希望挑起大规模冲突 大肆践踏保密法 让魔法世界暴露于众。
11. The pearl of my heart locked within a shell too afraid to let it go, to let it show and all the headlines read for the whole world to see
译文:"珍珠般的心 锁在硬壳中" "害怕消失无踪""默然失落" "头版头条写着"。
12. So, instead of learning to harness or to control their powers, they developed what was called an Obscurus.
译文:他们不但没有学习驾驭或控制自己的魔法力量 反而生出了一种叫默然兽的东西。
13. There were other moments like that, very few moments of silence.
14. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?
译文:"默然忍受命运... 暴虐的毒箭 或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难。
15. To shine, to dazzle, or betray
译文:光彩凝聚 或者默然烦忧。