一审公诉案件用英语怎么说 一审公诉案件英语翻译

一审公诉案件用英语怎么说 一审公诉案件英语翻译



1. shenxun

2. graphe

3. first instance

一审公诉案件翻译为first instance。

示例:Like being dead, for instance?
for instance?


4. the first instance

一审公诉案件翻译为the first instance。

示例:With Jeanne, for instance.
for instance.



1. first instance([法] 初审, 一审)

2. first hearing([法] 第一审)

3. graphe( 公诉案件)

4. the first instance(na. 初审\n 第一审)

5. shenxun(静安法院一审判)


1. Follow the strategy of the first trial.


2. My father confessed to everything, and was sentenced to death at his first trial.

译文:父亲说出了所有的实情后 在一审中被判了死刑。

3. if that Cunt in the original trial had put on a proper defense of diminished responsibility,

译文:假如一审的那个傻逼好好利用 "因精神失常而减轻责任"为我辩护的话。

4. Huang Guangyu sentenced to 14 years in prison.


5. Bree, i want you pull together everything we have from the first trial.

译文:Bree 你去收集一审的所有材料。

6. The bank remains headquartered and regulated from the UK, although a triennial review of that status is due next year.


7. When did you...? PARK testified during the original trial that the arrow which struck him in the abdomen had broken.


8. The total will amount to four million yen

译文:到第一审的判决 大概就需要400万日圆 那姑娘吓了一跳。

9. The local court used outdated laws, and announced

译文:一审法院 他用旧文件(过期文件)。

10. The State maintains the sentence as ruled during the original trial.


11. 82-41 16, this indictment charging Kenneth Waters with armed robbery.

译文:公诉案件82 -4116 控告肯尼斯·沃特斯持械抢劫。

12. i'd like you to look those over if you would.


13. We, as prosecutors, try to be dispassionate about the cases we bring.


14. Yeah, the nice thing about arresting scumbags, they're not big on honor among thieves.

译文:抓到小人其实最好办 Yeah, the nice thing about arresting scumbags, 一审就什么都说出来了 they're not big on honor among thieves.。

15. The first trial's sentence stands.


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