为时不晚用英语怎么说 为时不晚英语翻译

为时不晚用英语怎么说 为时不晚英语翻译

为时不晚的英语是"not too late",其次还可以说成"  It's Not Too Late",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到17个与为时不晚相关的短语释义和例句。


1. not too late

为时不晚翻译为not too late。

It is also what we need before it is too late.


2.   It's Not Too Late

为时不晚翻译为   It's Not Too Late。

Is it ever too late to start?


3.   not too late

为时不晚翻译为   not too late。

It's not too late to try and undo some of the damage.



1. not late( 不晚)

2. unnight( 不晚)

3. too early(为时过早)

4. too soon(为时过早)

5. not later than( 不迟于;不得迟于;不晚于)


perhaps they'll listen now ( 现在听还为时不晚 )

That nothing is over yet ( 一切都还为时不晚 )

But it's pretty late notice ( 不过为时已晚 )

be never late for ( 将永远不会为时已晚 )


1. it's not too late for her.


2. i mean, you definitely could.


3. Let's go out of the city to make peace before it's too late.

译文:现在出城为时不晚 否则必将引来人祸呀。

4. it's not too late for him to just disappear.

译文:现在让他就此消失... 还为时不晚。

5. The high stakes is today, because you can do something about it.

译文:不过,亡羊补牢为时不晚, 因为我们还可以为此做些事情。

6. What if i told you it's not too late?


7. Among other things, sobriety and regret are anxiously waiting up for you.

译文:此时醒悟,为时不晚 还有很多事等着你去做。

8. There's still time to get out of this.

译文:现在回头 为时不晚。

9. Are you leaving or not. Let's go!


10. Yulya stop until is not too late!


11. You can fix this before it's too late.

译文:你能弥补一切的 为时还不晚 You can fix this before it's too late.。

12. i suddenly remembered the future.

译文:你需要去 为时不晚。

13. Yeah, but it's not too late, see?

译文:是的,但它的 为时不晚,看到了吗。

14. - They went off on Tuesday but you're normally alright for a week.

译文:- Sounds glorious. - They went off on Tuesday 但现在吃还为时不晚 but you're normally alright for a week.。

15. it's not too late to change your mind.

译文:还为时不晚 改变你的想法。

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