中国地区顺序用英语怎么说 中国地区顺序英语翻译

中国地区顺序用英语怎么说 中国地区顺序英语翻译

中国地区顺序的英语为"Funing",还网络中常译为"southern china",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到67个与中国地区顺序相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Funing

2. southern china

中国地区顺序翻译为southern china。

示例:Go Mountain area in Southern China Devil is waiting for you
走 “老鬼”在等你啊


3. plain sequence

中国地区顺序翻译为plain sequence。

示例:They thought big, Daddy. They hid their agents in plain sight.
They hid their agents in plain sight.


4. eastern china

中国地区顺序翻译为eastern china。

示例:The water in the Eastern China isn't that salty.
华东的水没有这么咸的 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}And these people haven't taken showers. The water stinks



1. eastern china( 中国东部;华东地区;中国华东)

2. Funing(福宁 中国福建市级地区)

3. southern china( 华南;华南地区;中国南部)

4. northeastern china( 东北地区;中国东北;中国东北部公路)

5. plain sequence(顺序)


1. Start-up sequence complete.


2. So China is becoming the anchor of the economy in the region.


3. if not then it will by age.

译文:不然 按年龄顺序。

4. The Chinese way of writing an address is country, city, and street.

译文:中国人写联络地址的顺序是 国家,城市,街道。

5. There is the modern sector, there is the informal sector and the traditional sector.

译文:现代地区,非官方地区, 以及传统地区。

6. China has signed military agreements with many countries in the region.


7. And sending the soldiers' families into remote areas assisted the propagation of Chinese culture.

译文:把士兵的全家动迁到偏远的地区 又帮助传播了中国的文明。

8. Whatever you want. Do we agree on the order?


9. Don't stack them up, OK. Give them an extra mix up.


10. Between China and the Middle East, tryin' to run anything through that bureaucracy?

译文:与中国 和中东地区, 试着运行任何 通过官僚。

11. Trying to terrorize the rest of China into surrender, the Japanese High Command ordered a massacre.

译文:为了迫使中国其余地区投降 日本高层展开了一场大屠杀。

12. - Cognac? Pernod? Calvados?

译文:对 按这个顺序。

13. Of course i'll take my turn.


14. Did they come in any order?


15. - i just did it backwards.

译文:- 我顺序反了。

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