起早床用英语怎么说 起早床的英语翻译

起早床用英语怎么说 起早床的英语翻译

起早床的英语翻译是"early habits",还网络中常译为"keep early hour",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到46个与起早床相关的短语释义和例句。


1. early habits

起早床翻译为early habits。

As most of you already know Gwynn and I are both morning people... now.


2. keep early hour

起早床翻译为keep early hour。

He got up early in order to catch the first bus.


3. keep early hours

起早床翻译为keep early hours。

Do you have difficulty (in) getting up early?



1. keep early hour(早起早睡)

2. keep early hours(早起早睡)

3. early habits((或 hours)早出早归;早起早睡的习惯)


need to get up early ( 需要早起床 )

Advantages of Early Rising ( 早起床的好处 )

get up early early ( 起床早 )

get up early Early Rising get up earlier ( 早起床 )

get up early getting up early Be up with the lark get uearly ( 很早起床 )

Get up early Gets out of bed early Be up with the lark ( 早早起床 )

I hate waking up early I hate getting up early ( 我讨厌早起床 )

You get up so early So you wake up early ( 你这么早起床 )


1. ♪ i'm up early and late and though humble my state

译文:# 我起早贪黑还是穷困潦倒 # # I'm up early and late and though humble my state #。

2. i knew you wouldn't be here for no reason.


3. Why don't you try working for 20 hours a day.


4. Wouldn't you have some relic, an artifact to remind you of your early life?

译文:没有什么遗迹或者手工制品 能让你想起早年的生活吗。

5. Can you not stand up an hour earlier?


6. i'll come in early, i'll stay late!

译文:我会起早贪黑干活的 I'll come in early, I'll stay late。

7. PM: So what gets you up every morning?

译文:PM:究竟是什么给了你动力, 让你每天起早贪黑。

8. Another 80 miles. On the third day. All downhill for 80 miles again.


9. i mean, i don't mind waking up at the crack of dawn, but not to get lost in the mountains and miss The Snake.

译文:我很乐意起早摸黑爬山 但不是在山里迷路 错过云蛇。

10. it's a little weird, uh, not having to get up, go to work in the morning.

译文:就是有点怪怪的. 呃,不用起早床, 早上不用去上班。

11. it's only 6:30 am it's so early

译文:六点半 起早了。

12. it's all because my brother Seiji worked hard here, - before he married Tamiko and left home. it's all thanks to him.

译文:在我们哥两分家以前 他起早摸黑地干,才搞成这样。

13. And to think i had a ruptured prostate on this very table this morning.


14. it'll be picked up in the morning.


15. Stop babbling. Make sure you wake up early.

译文:别总说别人 自己以后也要起早一些哦。

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