合口用英语怎么说 合口的英语翻译

合口用英语怎么说 合口的英语翻译

合口的英语是"  The mouth",还网络中常译为"of a wound heal up",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到41个与合口相关的释义和例句。


1.   The mouth

合口翻译为   The mouth。

New antibiotics suitable for oral use are badly needed.


2. of a wound heal up

合口翻译为 of a wound heal up。

For himself, he had cultivated a mid-Atlantic accent.



1. synaptychus(合口盖)

2. stomal ulcer(吻合口溃疡)

3. enteroanastomotic( 肠吻合口)

4. mixed oral gland(混合口腔腺)

5. hit the spot(满口要求, 合口味)


close mouth tongs ( 合口扁钳 )

anastomotic leakage Anastomotic fistula anastomotic stotma fistula stoma fistula ( 吻合口瘘 )

Stomas Anastomotic anastomotic astium ( 吻合口 )

Unit Thirteen Unit Sixteen Unit Seventeen ( 合口双元音 )

stomal ulcer anastomotic ulcer ( 吻合口溃疡 )

anastomotic orifice stenosis Anastomotic stricture Anastomotic stoma stenosis Anastomotic-stenosis ( 吻合口狭窄 )

PART B Integrated Tasks ( 综合口语任务 )

modified gastrointestinal anastomoses ( 改良吻合口 )

to one's taste Hit the spot Hop taste ( 合口味 )


1. Suffers from short gut syndrome,which means he can't properly absorb nutrition.

译文:患残余肠道吻合口瘘 所以不能正常吸收营养。

2. it can be hell when you have no appetite for it.


3. So you have to buy the bag of the Jelly Bellies, separate the Cotton Candy and the Peanut Butter and put them into a little...

译文:所以你要买一大袋综合口味的 把棉花糖和奶油花生口味挑出来。

4. And we have lovely new jasmine blend.


5. The anastomosis is leaking.


6. And there's an ancient law that says you can't actually mention the word venereal disease or print it in public.

译文:有那么个古老的法案规定 禁止在公众场合口头或书面提起“性病”二字。

7. Using the colon has increased risks of stricture, anastomotic leaks, GERD.

译文:用结肠的话 容易引起食道狭窄 吻合口瘘 胃食管反流。

8. "Lam Tsuen River twins" palatable it?


9. Something different, something that'll really hit the spot.

译文:来点不同的, 正合口味的。

10. You like that flavor combo?


11. is it popcorn or is it popped-corn?

译文:到底是爆米花还是苞米花? (嘲笑南北混合口音的)。

12. Are these dishes to your liking?


13. Tell him it's imported and i hope he likes it.

译文:说在沈阳拿来的 不知合不合口。

14. "Dharma initiative salad dressing: ranch composite."

译文:'达摩计划沙拉酱 农场复合口味'。

15. Mmm-mmm. it's ironic that you should have amazing blow job lips.


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