脓包用英语怎么说 脓包的英语翻译

脓包用英语怎么说 脓包的英语翻译

脓包的英语为"  CYST",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Abscess",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到70个与脓包相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   CYST

脓包翻译为   CYST。

They called the umpire a bum.


2.   Abscess

脓包翻译为   Abscess。

Not many weeks later, she heard that Elizabeth had got the pox. Her white skin was all over pink pustules!


3.   pustule

脓包翻译为   pustule。

Lee refuses to hide behind aesthetics.


4.   pimple

脓包翻译为   pimple。

示例:Tell me it's not a pimple.
告诉我这不是丘疹 这不是丘疹



1. pustle( 脓包)

2. pustulated(a. 生脓疱的;布满脓包的\nvt. 使生脓包\nvi. 生脓疱;形成脓包)

3. horse's ass(na. 傻瓜\n 脓包)

4. whitespots( 白斑;白色斑点;白色的小脓包)

5. yove( 要飞;脓包;晓游棋牌积分自动)


Impetigo ( 脓包症 )

useless weakling ( 窝脓包 )

systemic lupus erythematosus SLE ( 脓包型红斑狼疮 )

Purulent pericarditis suppurative pericarditis ( 化脓性心包炎 )

pyopericarditis purulent pericarditis ( 脓性心包炎 )

A wretched childhood that scarred his psyche ( 脓包愈合并结疤了 )


1. Just these scums. i can handle it.


2. i don't give a shit if he thinks he's a pimple on Price's ass.

译文:我不在乎他是否认为他自己是 普莱司屁股的一个脓包.。

3. You think i wanna spend the rest of my life pimping your pimpled country ass?

译文:你认为我准备把我的后半生花在 给你长满脓包的乡巴佬的屁股拉皮条。

4. That's some artistic shit. You got talent, girl.

译文:还没完工 颇有点艺术脓包嘛。

5. 'Cause you're 79 kilos of gutless white meat and that's why you can't think of a better plan.

译文:你是79公斤的脓包 所以想不出好办法。

6. That's why he is the king... and you're a schmuck.

译文:所以他受世人爱戴 而你只是个脓包。

7. Just as we pierced her abscess sans nitrous oxide.


8. And if either one of you douche bags ever tries to pull this shit again,

译文:如果你们这两个脓包 又想使阴招的话。

9. You don't have the pustules or the redness and inflammation.


10. Nobody gives a horse's shit who you are, pus ball!

译文:根本没人会关心 你叫什么名字 脓包。

11. Day three, she gets a massively big pox on her shoulder.


12. i'd kick your dick right now, but my foot might get herpes.

译文:我现在踢你的"小弟弟" 但我的脚可能会长脓包。

13. - Rash would be more pustular.

译文:- 那样小脓包应该更多。

14. With your ability you could easily have defeated

译文:其实以你的身手 应该胜得过刚刚那几个脓包。

15. it would surprise me not, "vizard,"

译文:只有汝召唤出 肮脏罪恶的长满了脓包的怪物。

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