外航用英语怎么说 外航的英语翻译

外航用英语怎么说 外航的英语翻译

外航用英语翻译为"  outward journey",在日常中也可以翻译为"FASCO",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到10个与外航相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   outward journey

外航翻译为   outward journey。

If a foreign airline fails to submit application for extension after business license gets matured, Civil Aviation Administration shall revoke its business license.




Japan Airlines shed 14% of its workforce, or 6, 800 jobs, and reduced its schedule of international flights.


3. outward voyage

外航翻译为outward voyage。

Before I retired, I helped another three groups get ready to be shipped overseas.


4.   outward voyage

外航翻译为   outward voyage。

示例:"or man looks at the outward appearance;



1. outward voyage(外航\n出航)

2. outgoing vessel(外航船只;出港船只)

3. foreign navigation(un. 国外航运\n 国外航行;国际航行)

4. infrared aerial camera(红外航空照相机)

5. offshore tracks( 外航路;近海航路)


British Overseas Airways Corporation ( 英国海外航空 )

BOAC British Overseas Airways Corporation british overseas airways corp ( 英国海外航空公司 )

outward-bound ship outward bounder out-bound ship ( 外航船 )

infrared aerial camera ( 红外航空相机 )

outgoing vessel ( 外航船只 )

overseas flight ( 国外航班 )

Foreign Airlines stowage Fasco stowage Placing foreign airline contained ( 外航配载 )


1. The ship, designed for travel outside the Earth's atmosphere, landed in Washington today at 3.47pm Eastern Standard Time.

译文:这艘飞船设计用来在地球的大气层外航行 于东部标准时间下午3: 47在华盛顿降落。

2. BOAC announce the departure of their flight BA 532 to Los Angeles.

译文:英国海外航空公司通知各位 飞往洛杉矶的BA532次航班即将起飞。

3. Final announcement for BOAC imperial special flight BA 501 to New York.

译文:最后广播一遍 英国海外航空公司... 飞往纽约的BA501次 帝国特别航班即将起飞。

4. New York radio from United Overseas Airlines 404. Copy Gander.

译文:纽约塔 这里是联合海外航空404班机。

5. Here's an announcement for all passengers on BOAC Cunard flight 905 to Miami.

译文:乘坐英国海外航空公司飞往 迈阿密的905次航班的旅客请注意。

6. Via democratic election, the second session presidium of Shanghai FASCO Communist Youth League came into birth.


7. With the extension of extravehicular activity(EVA) duration, the need for more effective thermal control of EVA spacesuits is required.


8. United Overseas Airlines 404 requests clearance to taxi.

译文:联合海外航空404号班机 请求准许开始滑行。

9. United Overseas Airlines, Flight Number 404, destination New York, now boarding.

译文:乘搭联合海外航空 404号班机 前往纽约的旅客请登机。

10. Would Mr. Marc Champselle kindly come to the number one BOAC...

译文:请马克尚塞先生前往... 英国海外航空公司...。

11. Would Mr. Marc Champselle kindly come to the Bo AC number one departure counter, please?

译文:请马克尚塞先生前往... 英国海外航空公司 出境验证一号台。

12. Conclusion the design of the LCG for the EVA space suit was found to be reasonable.


13. United Overseas Airlines. Last call for flight 404 to New York City.

译文:联合海外航空404号班机 从罗马经巴黎到纽约。

14. He might have gone. - BOAC regret...


15. This a great pleasure. We met the last time you traveled by Bo AC, remember?

译文:幸会,上次您乘坐英国海外航空 公司飞机出游时我们见过,记得吗。

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