重选用英语怎么说 重选的英语翻译

重选用英语怎么说 重选的英语翻译

重选的英语是"reelect",还可以翻译为gravity concentration -,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到17个与重选相关的翻译和例句。


1. reelect


The Comments sidebar supports multiple selections.


2. gravity concentration -

重选翻译为 gravity concentration -。

Photo Tip: When shooting in macro, choose carefully which elements to have sharp.


3.   reelect

重选翻译为   reelect。

Technology has imposed the encumbrance of over-choice on us.


4.   Shift+Ctrl+D Select\Reselect

重选翻译为   Shift+Ctrl+D Select\Reselect。

示例:Here we go. i think i hold control, shift and D.
这么着 我想我同时按住 Ctrl键 Shift键 还有D键



1. reelect(重选 )

2. reelection(重选 )

3. gravity treatment(重选)

4. gravity concentrate(重选精矿)

5. gravity concentration apparatus(重选装置)


Multiple response ( 多重选项 )

Choose your battles carefully ( 慎重选择是否 )

multiple choice Multi-Selection Multiple Select MALTIPLE-CHOICE TASKS ( 多重选择 )

" Choose your battles carefully Choose e your battles carefully ( 慎重选择是否)

Cell Selection Hysteresisz Cell reselect hysterisys HYS CELLRESH ( 小区重选滞后 )

Rerouting Re-route Service ( 重选路由 通信 计 )

Cell reselection Cell reselect inband ( 小区重选 )

Multiple Selection meervoudige selectie monivalinta pilihan berbilang ( 多重选取 )

maltiple-choice tasks ( 多重选择题型 )


1. On the paradox of choice -- you know, on the one hand we relish the novelty and the playfulness, i think, to be able to have so many options.

译文:关于选择悖论 我认为 一方面我们追求 多重选择给我们带来的 新鲜感和趣味性。

2. You were re-casting the lead actress anyway ... audition many girls for the part.

译文:无论如何女主角得重选... 你要让许多女孩为角色试镜。

3. And we need those in power -- politicians, leaders, governments, architects, planners, institutions, researchers -- and all of us in our everyday lives to respect choices.

译文:我们需要那些掌权的人—— 政客、领导、政府、 建筑师、规划者、机构和研究人员—— 以及我们生活中的 所有人去尊重选择。

4. The Gore response would be that Governor Bush is gonna have to respect the electoral process no matter what the outcome.

译文:那么Gore的反应会是... Bush州长必须尊重选举程序 不管什么结果。

5. i have enough signatures from Shreck employees to warrant a recall.

译文:我光靠许瑞克员工 便可取得足以重选的签名。

6. The mayor's up for reelection.


7. Senate get re-elected and now they're gonna...


8. i have to be very selective At this point.


9. So with encyclopedias, i could have chosen anything, but i specifically chose images of landscapes.

译文:就百科全书而言, 我能够选择任何东西, 但是我着重选择了风景的图画。

10. Governor Bush is gonna have to respect the electoral process no matter what the outcome.

译文:Bush州长必须尊重选举程序 不管是什么结果 Fournier...。

11. Now in Bulgaria -- this photograph was taken in Bulgaria -- when communism collapsed all over Eastern Europe, it wasn't just communism; it was the state that collapsed as well.

译文:举重选手 这些照片是在保加利亚拍的 当东欧共产主义国家垮台时 垮的不只是共产主义 政府机制也垮了。

12. All we need... is Senator Bryce, and Bryce is up for re-election, is he not?

译文:我们需要的是参议员布莱斯。布莱斯设置 重选连任。

13. Due to agency-wide budget cuts, the FBi has to be very selective with its Federal Witness Protection monies.

译文:因为部门费用大幅削减 FBI必须慎重选择 该如何花证人保护经费。

14. Now in Bulgaria -- this photograph was taken in Bulgaria -- when communism collapsed all over Eastern Europe, it wasn't just communism; it was the state that collapsed as well.

译文:举重选手 这些照片是在保加利亚拍的 当东欧共产主义国家垮台时 垮的不只是共产主义 政府机制也垮了。

15. i suggest new leadership is needed.


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